Little Presley ♡

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A/N: Just Fluff.

♡ patsy Cline spins on Heather's new record player
Elvis had gotten her, with her of course her initials engraved on the front, like he does with everything, as Heather sat and thought about things, she's been feeling a little off lately, the last time she's ever felt a little off like when she was pregnant with Hazel, she realizes that her period is a little late, both her and Elvis have been talking about having a baby, and this might be the time, Heather sneaks off to the nearest drug store and buys a couple of tests and she stops at a store to pick out something to surprise Elvis in case that she is.


Heather comes back and sneaks into their master bathroom and follows the directions on the box, and takes the tests and waits the 10 mins, when the timer goes off she takes a deep breath and flips both the tests over..... 2 dark pink lines appear. Positive.
Heather puts her hand over her mouth, she's so happy it takes everything in her not to just run out and Elvis with the tests, so she takes the little tiny outfits, and shoes and put the tests together.

Elvis says goodbye to the guys Downstairs and decides to go upstairs and spent some alone time with his fiancé, he gently opens the door, and sees Heather sitting on the bed with some tiny little outfits and shoes, Heather hands him the 2 pregnancy tests, he stares at them for a couple of mins with tears in his eyes,  "you're serious honey"? Elvis said wiping tears.
"Yes honey you're gonna be a daddy again" Heather said, and Elvis embraced her in a big bear hug. They spent a couple of seconds hugging each other tightly.
Elvis couldn't contain himself anymore, because he's never been known to keep a secret, he runs downstairs with Heather behind him, luckily Lisa and Hazel were with them too, holding the tests in his hand, everyone congratulated them, as Lisa / Hazel were about to burst with excitement.

Elvis decided to have a little celebration dinner, so they all went out to their favorite restaurant in Memphis.

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