Bluest eyes.

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A/N: am so excited for this story hope yall enjoy!

Oct 10th 1972

Heather's POV:
Heather's alarm clock went off around 7:15 to start getting ready for her shift at the gas station, it's not the best Job in the world, but it's pays decent and pays the bills, even tho she is a little late on the rent this month, hoping this weeks check will cover it. She rolls out of bed, gets dressed in a pair of blue Jeans, an Old Navy blue T-shirt, and a pair of flats. She combs her and throws her brown hair into a tight pony tail, and goes and gets her daughter out of bed, and drop her off at her mama's house. She packs Hazels bag for anything she might need for the day, she fixes her & hazel a quick breakfast then heads out. She gets Hazel in her car seat and gets her dropped off at her grandparents house. And then drives to the gas station, she gets there and her friend, Shelby is already there. She parks beside her and steps out and grabs her purse and heads in. She starts stocking up the candy first, and then stocks some of the drinks.
A few hours later•

She looks at her watch, it's a hour before closing time, luckily hazel is sleeping over at her grandparents, before she ended up having go stay over an another hour. Heather finishes up whatever needed to be done, she looks at her watch 10 mins she said to self. She is counting money from the cashier from the day, getting ready to close, when she notices, a tall man, black hair & sideburns, and tinted sunglasses, come in, she knows him from anywhere it's Elvis Presley. He looks at her, "hey honey are you still open"? His southern drawl is extremely sexy. She thought. About 10 mins till closing "she said, a little star struck. "Thank ya honey" he winked.
He gets what he needs, and she rings him up, and he gives her couple of 20's as she puts them in the cashier, she noticed a piece of paper in the stack of bills, a phone number scribbled on it, it said call me honey it said- Elvis.
He smiled as he left the store.

What just happened she thought.. this has to be a dream.

• more coming soon.

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