Woman you got.

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•Heather's POV•
• Nov 21st 1972
I've been looking for a Job that allows me to work from home, I hate leaving Graceland unless am with Elvis, and he was been wanting me to find something that allows me to stay at home & I've been looking for something that pays a little better too. E has been calling around asking some of his friends to see they know of anyone that is hiring. I was looking thru the newspaper at the Job section, when Elvis came thru the kitchen, saying that, one of his friends is looking for a assistant which also allows me to work from Graceland, Elvis says he needs someone to handle all of the paperwork. I accepted the Job, working for his friend James.
A few weeks later•
I've been working for Elvis's Friend James for a few weeks now being his office manager, like taking care of the important paperwork, and mail for his contractor company & it's been going great, and Elvis is glad that I've found something that allows me to work from Home & I get to spent more time with Hazel.
I was in the kitchen helping Mary, cook breakfast I find mixing up the mix for blueberry muffins, I poured it in a muffin pan, lined with cupcake liners, I grabbed some pot holders and slid the pan into the Oven and when I did, my hand hit the Hot Rack, Tears filled my eyes, Not meaning too, I screamed from the pain, Elvis came running in from the Jungle Room, "what's wrong Honey" he said. I burned my hand on the oven rack" I said in tears, he grabbed my hand to look it over, there was a mark. It was red. It doesn't look bad, let's get you some Ice & put some ointment, and afterwards we can cuddle how does that sound"? He said, "sounds great honey" I said wiping my tears. Mary came back, and Finished breakfast. We went into the bathroom, while Elvis put some cream on my burn, and put one of Lisa's Sesame Street baggages, and then went into the kitchen and made a ice pack, we went into the Jungle Room, "Thank You doctor Presley for taking good care of me" I said. "You're welcome sweetheart he said" "my own personal Sexy Doctor" I said smirking.
He raised an eyebrow, "sexy doctor"?
Yes I smirked.
"You're so cute he said"
"That's just the woman you got I winked"

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