Chapter 65

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Chapter 65: Dudley's Favorite thing: Saying 'NO' in front of those who are self-righteous

"'Good question!'"

Dudley was also curious about why they ended up here.

He was one hundred percent sure that he followed the original route and couldn't have gone wrong. On one hand, Dudley was confident in his memory, and on the other hand, this was the only staircase leading from the third-floor prize display room to the Gryffindor common room.

Clearly, when the group entered the prize display room, the staircase's position had changed.

The staircase that originally led to Gryffindor had been directly moved to the corridor on the fourth floor, where entry was forbidden.

"Want to go through?"

Although Harry was asking, in reality, he was eager to explore.

Ever since Dumbledore mentioned this place, he had been curious, but the opportunity never presented itself.

Now, it seemed they had arrived at the right place. Without taking this corridor, there seemed to be no way back to Gryffindor. Was this fate?

Curiosity killed the cat.

Well, lions are also felines.

Fate my foot?

Dudley scoffed.

There aren't so many coincidences in the world; Dudley wouldn't fall for such an obviously problematic situation.

Turning to the others, he said, "Come with me to the Slytherin common room."

Since there were plenty of rooms in the Slytherin dormitory, adding three more people wouldn't be a big deal.

The Slytherin common room was downstairs, just follow the original path back, and take the stairs downwards.

"See the way back?"

Draco's panicked voice came from behind. They all turned to look, only to see the area below the stairs empty. The stairs' end was now hanging in mid-air, with no way back.

Dudley: "."

If they didn't consider going through the fourth-floor corridor now, they could only wait for the stairs to slowly connect to another place. However, they didn't know how long it would take, perhaps until dawn without any changes.

Dudley sneered, "Regardless of the purpose, I, Dudley Dursley..."

"Love saying 'NO' to those who are self-righteous!"

"Hermione, hold on to me."

Hermione: "?"

With a low growl, Dudley wrapped his right arm around Hermione's waist, stepped onto the edge of the stairs, and with a powerful push, leaped into the air. Amid Hermione's screams, Dudley landed directly on the nearest staircase.

The whole process was very smooth, taking less than three seconds.

After completing all of this, Dudley, like a monkey, jumped back. One by one, he brought Draco, Harry, and Ron to the staircase as if picking up chicks.

It seemed like a simple jumping motion, but in reality, there was a gap of at least ten meters between the two staircases.

"That scared me. Next time, give me a heads up."

Hermione's face slightly paled, and she complained while pounding his chest with small fists.

Ron was also quite scared, his face even paler. But expecting him to complain to Dudley was definitely out of the question.

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