Chapter 23: Father's sperm and mother's blood cannot be lost!!

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Dudley hadn't expected Hagrid to ambush him, but he quickly reacted and tried to evade. However, he was a split second too late.

He managed to dodge, but not completely.

The red light still hit Dudley, specifically his firm and upright buttocks.

Stereotypes could be deadly. In any situation, judging a person's actions solely based on their work was not wise, as reality might differ from the descriptions in the work.

Take Rubeus Hagrid, for example.

In Dudley's impression, Hagrid was a kind and easy-to-bully honest person. So, after knocking Hagrid's wand out of his hand, Dudley didn't take further action.

You know about elephants, right? In movies and TV shows, they give off a gentle vibe, and they seem quite intelligent, don't they?

In reality, when they go into heat and go crazy, it's terrifying. They attack without reason or warning, trampling rhinos, buffaloes, and anything else in their way to death. Many people are killed each year by elephants suddenly going berserk, using their long trunks to pick people up and then slamming them on the ground before crushing them with a stomp.

Don't say you didn't provoke them or that avoiding the heat period would be fine. It's nonsense, like saying bullying stops as long as you avoid it; both are ghost stories. Ordinary people can't determine if an elephant is in heat.

Maybe this analogy is not perfect, but Hagrid was simple, so simple that he might subconsciously do unexpected things.

This was the first lesson reality gave Dudley.

People are complex beings.

At specific times and places, they might act unexpectedly.

Don't judge a person's threat to you solely based on impressions.

Suddenly, Dudley's pants were inflated, and a tail grew visibly at the position of his tailbone. It was a curly, slender pigtail.

It was undoubtedly the effect of a Transfiguration spell.

Fortunately, it was an incomplete and imperfect Transfiguration spell. Otherwise, instead of growing a tail, Dudley would have turned into a pig.

"Oh, God!"

Both Petunia and Vernon exclaimed at the same time. Harry felt his aunt's body sway, as if she was about to faint, and quickly rushed forward to support her.

"No sportsmanship?"

When Dudley saw the small pigtail, his pupils suddenly contracted, his cheeks turned red, and his heartbeat accelerated. His muscles tensed, and a flame seemed to burn in his chest. He felt energy surging in his body, and anger filled his chest, making it almost impossible to control his emotions.

Not only anger but also fear!

Anger because of the opponent's sneak attack, and fear because he almost turned into a pig.

Having read numerous magic books, Dudley knew that Transfiguration was a dangerous magical discipline. It could even cause unimaginable harm to the wizard casting the spell. Some wizards were crushed to death by the animals they transfigured, and others permanently turned themselves into animals due to failed casting.

Respect for any spell was essential; this was a must for spellcasters.

He didn't know how to brew the magical potion to reverse Transfiguration.

He wouldn't ask the other party to lift the spell.

He wanted to remember this with his body, to stay alert at all times.

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