Chapter 34: On the Hogwarts Express

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The weight of Dudley's luggage was negligible with his strength, and they easily made their way onto the train. The three of them found an empty compartment and settled in. Hogwarts train compartments were assigned based on age, and students could only enter the ones designated for their respective years.

As soon as they boarded the train, Dudley and Hermione took out their textbooks to study. No one spoke a word, and to pass the time, Harry reluctantly pulled out a book as well.

To be honest, Harry was quite interested in magical world books. He might have explored them independently, but studying to the extent that Dudley and Hermione did was beyond his capabilities.

The compartment was filled only with the sound of pages turning.

"May I sit here?"

The door opened, breaking the silence inside the compartment.

A red-haired boy with freckles on his face peeked in, "Everywhere else is full."

Then he saw Dudley and quickly said, "Sorry, I thought this was a first-year compartment," and began to leave.

Dudley stopped him, "You haven't made a mistake; this is indeed a first-year compartment."

He tried to lower his voice, but to the other boy, it still sounded like a trumpet.


Hearing Dudley's words, the red-haired boy hesitated and kept looking at Dudley.

Helpless, Dudley pointed at himself, "I'm also a first-year student."

He didn't say much, but the red-haired boy became even more hesitant.

The red-haired boy wanted to make sure this wasn't a prank, something his older brothers liked to do.

Seeing the boy struggling to speak, Hermione and Harry couldn't help but stifle a laugh. In the end, it was Harry who spoke up and explained, making the boy believe.

Even so, he occasionally glanced in Dudley's direction while sitting.

"Hi, what's your name?"

Harry looked at the red-haired boy sitting next to him, breaking the silence.

About to go to Hogwarts, heading to a new school, and a magical one at that, Harry felt excited and couldn't focus on reading.

"Ron, Ron Weasley," Ron introduced himself.

Hearing his last name, Dudley couldn't help but look at him. Ron also glanced at Dudley, and their eyes met.

This made Ron unconsciously shiver, and he tried to move toward the edge of his seat. This was basically the first reaction of all kids meeting Dudley for the first time. The title of "the one who can calm a crying child" wasn't a joke. But soon, he was captivated by Harry's words.

"Pleased to meet you, Ron. I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

Hearing Harry's introduction, Ron's eyes widened in disbelief, momentarily forgetting his fear.

"You're really... you know."

Ron pointed at Harry's forehead, an impolite gesture.

To be honest, it was quite rude.

However, Harry was good-natured, and without minding, he brushed aside the hair on his forehead, revealing the lightning-shaped scar.

Ron's eyes widened even more, almost popping out.

Before he could say anything, Harry covered his hair again.

Dudley had told him before coming not to reveal his scar unless necessary.

Hogwarts: I am Harry's eldest cousinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ