Chapter 60: Skipping Class? So Exciting!

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Harry was furious, and this was the first time he had been so angry in his entire life. It had reached an unbearable point.

Yesterday, he had an argument with Malfoy, and he didn't win.

However, a piece of good news from Ron slightly eased his anger.

This afternoon, flying class was about to begin.

Flying, at any time, was something humans dreamed of, except for those with a fear of heights.

He had to perform well in class and outshine Malfoy.

Even if he heard Malfoy boasting about his flying skills, claiming to have tried various types of brooms.

But Harry knew Malfoy was just bragging.

Initially, he believed it, but it wasn't until Malfoy boasted about a flying incident where he skillfully dodged a Muggle helicopter with extraordinary flying techniques and no danger at all.

Malfoy claimed he was on top of the helicopter, evading it with a difficult flying maneuver.

Harry didn't know the specific difficult flying maneuver, but he knew the top of a helicopter had propellers, and trying to evade by skimming over it would result in being shredded into countless pieces.

No matter how magical, it was impossible to assemble a pile of human body parts.

"Dudley, today's flying class is combined for our two houses."

In the morning, while reading in the library, Hermione mumbled anxiously.

"What should I do? I'm not prepared at all. No matter how many books I read, I can't learn to fly."

Flying, especially riding a broomstick, could only be learned through practice. Trying to learn flying from a textbook was wishful thinking.

"What if I can't learn it?"

Hermione looked dejected, as if she had already seen everyone flying in the air while she couldn't ride a broomstick. It would be too embarrassing.

"I'll stay on the ground with you."

Dudley answered without hesitation.

"But what if I fall off the broomstick?"

Hermione asked.

"I'll catch you from below."

Dudley patted his chest, indicating that he could catch her.

Hermione: Although it sounds comforting, something feels off.

At half-past three in the afternoon, first-year Slytherins and Gryffindors gathered on a lawn outside the castle, eagerly anticipating the flying class. Both wizarding families and Muggle-borns were full of expectations for the experience of flying.

Dudley, bored, yawned lazily. He wasn't very interested in this practical course that focused on flying. He was well aware of his limitations and knew he couldn't fly. Moreover, he preferred using his own strength to fly rather than relying on tools. Additionally, it was a clear and breezy day, perfect for a nap.

Across the lawn were continuous black trees, marking the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Dozens, even hundreds, of broomsticks were neatly arranged on the ground, and both sides were filled with eager young wizards.

Soon, Professor Hooch arrived.

"What are you all waiting for?" she exclaimed, more excited than the young wizards. "Everyone stands next to a broomstick and make it quick."

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