Chapter 48: Potter, what is wrong with you

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Because the whole day on Friday was spent attending classes with Slytherin and Gryffindor together, Hermione was determined to earn more points than Dudley during the two Potions classes. She almost flipped through the first-year Potions textbook in her enthusiasm.

The Potions classroom was also located in the basement, colder and gloomier than the main castle. Personally, Dudley didn't think brewing potions in a place like this would be any better than elsewhere. He preferred staying in a room with a moderate temperature where he could better control the temperature and timing. Perhaps it was Professor Snape's personal preference.

Along the walls of the Potions classroom were many glass jars containing various preserved animal specimens, including many prohibited items in the wizarding world. Dudley found them quite tempting.

No wonder Snape was a master of potions. Even the things displayed openly were rare and hard to obtain. It was said that Snape had a small room for storing potion ingredients. If that place were to be robbed, Dudley estimated he wouldn't run out of materials for many years. However, Snape would probably hunt him to the ends of the earth.

" Brother D," Harry whispered to Dudley before class.

The previous day, Harry had told Dudley that Hagrid had invited both of them to his cabin this afternoon. Hagrid, fundamentally a good person, wouldn't have clashed with Dudley if it weren't for his initial rudeness towards Vernon. After Dudley forgave him, Harry also forgave him, knowing that he was a good friend of his parents and knew a lot about their past.

But if Dudley didn't forgive Hagrid, Harry wouldn't either. Even now, even though it was said that forgiveness had been granted, Harry and Hagrid's relationship wasn't very intimate. Everything revolved around Dudley. If Dudley refused, Harry would refuse as well.

Dudley readily agreed. Hagrid's cabin was located near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, a place Dudley had long yearned for. Or rather, it was a place loved by everyone who was passionate about herbs and potions—dangerous, but rich in resources.

For Hagrid, however, after spending some time with him, Dudley's evaluation of him was "innocently terrifying." In Dudley's assessment, it wasn't necessarily a compliment, but it couldn't be considered a criticism either.

The reason for this evaluation was that Hagrid reminded him of someone—a person with a simple mind, a black whirlwind. Of course, Hagrid was stronger than him and not as obsessed with killing or blood.

Otherwise, Hagrid, who was in the same era as a certain dark wizard, could have earned himself the title of a little dark wizard. The, uh, the Physical Demon wizard.

This was the first being that made Dudley feel a sense of dread.

When there was one minute left until class, Professor Snape walked in through the door. His indifferent and hollow gaze, large hooked nose, greasy hair, and all-black attire made him look like the villain in a fairy tale. Few young wizards had a good first impression of him.

When Snape reached the position of the podium, he picked up the roll call and began to call names. When he called Harry's name, Snape paused.

"Oh, look who we have here? The famous Harry Potter."

His sarcastic tone made many young wizards cover their mouths and giggle, including Malfoy and his cronies. However, after Dudley glanced around indifferently, the entire Slytherin house fell silent, with only a few puzzled Gryffindors still giggling.

"You are here to learn the art of potion-making. There won't be any foolish waving of wands here. Many of you may find it hard to believe this is magic. I don't expect you to appreciate the beauty of a simmering cauldron or the delicate power of liquids. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death, but there is one essential rule: you are not the idiot fools I usually have to deal with."

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