Chapter 51: Brewing Tea and Clearing the Stables?

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In the Slytherin common room:

"He's finished."

"That muscle-headed fool is in big trouble this time."

Amid the dim, eerie green light, Draco Malfoy animatedly recounted today's events in Potions class to his fellow first-year Slytherins. "As you know, Professor Snape is a good friend of my father. They were close even before I came to Hogwarts."

Malfoy then indulged in his habitual boasting about his father.

Lowering his voice and adopting a sinister tone, he continued, "Professor Snape will teach him a harsh lesson, punish him, and then kick him out of Slytherin, out of Hogwarts."

"Hehe, that has nothing to do with me. It's Professor Snape's doing," Malfoy added nonchalantly.

"I'm just..."

Malfoy smugly detailed his plan, reveling in the imagined scene of Dudley being humiliated and expelled.

"My father said Slytherin is a place for those of noble blood."

Again, the worn-out rhetoric of blood purity.

Lost in his own world, Malfoy failed to notice the changing expressions of the surrounding young wizards. Even Pansy's urgent glances, Crabbe and Goyle's pale lips, and trembling bodies went unnoticed.


"Speaking ill of others behind their backs is not very gentlemanly. Of course, there are hardly any true gentlemen left in all of England."

"Mr. Swagger, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. I won't be leaving Hogwarts anytime soon."

A chilling voice echoed behind Malfoy, causing him to feel an icy sensation, as if plunged into a frozen abyss. Like a duck with its throat squeezed, his voice abruptly stopped.

A large hand descended from above, pressing onto Malfoy's head. He felt his scalp tighten as his entire body was effortlessly lifted by a single hand.

Dudley couldn't fathom the value of the wizarding world's obsession with blood purity.

In his understanding, only pets emphasized bloodlines and purity.

By the way, the self-proclaimed pure-blood Malfoy had platinum blond hair, while the disdained Weasley family had red hair. In England, what did red hair signify?

If one had a bit of knowledge in English history, they would know.

The indigenous people of the European continent were called Celts, and a hallmark of Celtic blood was red hair. In other words, the Weasley family had Celtic heritage, and tracing their roots, the Weasleys had a purer bloodline than any pure-blood present.

As for blonde hair, it could be descended from either the Germanic or Viking peoples.

Everyone knew the Vikings were raiders.

So, even tracing back to their roots, Malfoy had nothing to boast about.

"I think we should have a good conversation."

"Before I lose all patience."

Dudley, rudely lifting Malfoy, took giant strides toward the interior of the Slytherin common room.

An opportunity to tidy up Malfoy's excuses had presented itself.

"No! You can't do this!" Malfoy shouted in fear.

He struggled, attempting to kick Dudley and waving his fists to break free, but it was futile.

Laughing, Dudley, with his short arms and legs, couldn't reach Dudley.

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