Chapter 32: I Need to Confess Something

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Hastily leaving Ollivanders Wand Shop, they headed to the shop directly opposite, which happened to be a pet store.

Suddenly smacking his forehead, Dudley exclaimed, "Oh right, Harry, I almost forgot. I didn't get you a birthday present for your birthday two days ago."

"Harry's birthday?" Hermione asked, "When was it?"

"Just two days ago," Dudley replied.

Hermione nodded and suggested, "How about this, Dudley and I can get you a pet as a belated birthday gift?"

Although she had only recently met Harry and wouldn't have known him if not for Dudley, Harry was Dudley's cousin, after all.

A pet? This word instantly piqued Harry's interest. Besides spiders, he hadn't had any other pets.

"It's already passed; I don't think it's necessary," Harry said.

Dudley, being his brother, was one thing, but Hermione was relatively new in their acquaintance. It didn't feel right to accept gifts from her.

"It's been every year, and this time won't be an exception. Besides, Hermione's birthday is next month. Just prepare a good gift for her. You're the richest among us," Dudley said, patting Harry on the shoulder. "Come on, let's see what they have inside."

With his arm around Harry's neck, they walked towards the pet store.

Upon hearing about his birthday, a slight blush appeared on Hermione's face. She adjusted her hair a bit and followed the two to the pet store.

At the entrance, several SAO mice dancing samba caught the attention of many young wizards, but their parents seemed uninterested in buying them.

"The acceptance letter says we can choose either an owl or a cat as a pet," Dudley said, subconsciously ignoring toads. Few people liked them, especially himself, Harry, and certainly not Hermione.

Inside the pet store, the variety was diverse, but not extensive. Most pets were mice, toads, owls, and cats. Dudley also spotted a few small lizards and parrots, one of which breathed fire.

However, these could only be considered ordinary animals. Even those with some magical bloodline were just slightly smarter. Still, compared to magical creatures, they were just ordinary animals.

Dudley wanted a magical creature as a pet, but unfortunately, the pet store didn't have any.

The entire street was lined with pet stores. After visiting several, Harry finally found the pet he desired—a snowy owl with black spots.

"Why not choose a cat?" Hermione asked. She preferred cats over owls. "Don't you like cats?"

"Dudley likes cats more," Harry shook his head, explaining, "Aunt Petunia is allergic to cat fur, so Dudley never had one."

Actually, Harry wasn't particularly fond of cats. At Mrs. Figg's house, Dudley was the one who enjoyed spending time with Snow and the others. Harry was rather repelled by the scent of cats.

"That's a pity," Hermione sighed, slightly disappointed. She wanted to have a cat, but she couldn't find the right one in these pet stores.

Raising the topic of cats, Dudley turned to Hermione and said, "If I decide to get a cat later, can I leave it at your place during holidays? Petunia doesn't like furry things, so I can't bring it home."

"Sure," Hermione said softly.

It must be said that the purchasing power of Galleons was still strong in the wizarding world. After browsing several stores, they bought many things, including a pet owl. They still had plenty of Galleons left.

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