Chapter 37: Arrival at Hogwarts

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Not long after, the Express train reached its destination—the Hogwarts Station.

The group, now clad in robes, got off from the train. Instead of the enchanting scenery they had imagined, they were greeted by a small, dark platform and the chilly winds of an autumn night.

"Put this on; it'll keep you warm."

Dudley unwound his scarf and draped it around Hermione's neck, who was visibly shivering from the cold. He then pulled out a coat and put it on.

The coat was comically oversized for Hermione, almost able to envelop her entirely.

But it was warm.

"Thank you."

Hermione's face turned slightly red as she tightened the coat's collar, bundling up even more.

"First-year students! First-year students over here!"

A lantern swung above the students, casting familiar, rough voices.

It was Hagrid.

Spotting Harry, he wanted to greet him but hesitated upon seeing Dudley.

"First-year students, follow me, mind your step!"

Soon, a group of young wizards gathered around Hagrid. He held the lantern high, leading the way forward. The students followed, slipping and sliding along a steep, narrow, and winding path.

Dudley noticed something: older students, upon descending from the platform, were heading in a different direction. Only the first-year students were taking this route.

"I read in 'A History of Hogwarts' that first-year students must walk the path the four founders of Hogwarts walked, to learn their spirits," Hermione, her head barely visible in the bundled-up coat, shared.

Dudley had skimmed through that part, but it didn't stick.

This was the difference between Dudley and Hermione. She absorbed all sorts of knowledge, whether useful or not, while Dudley selectively memorized things that benefited him, like Potions and Herbology.

For Dudley, this journey was a walk in the park, but for the other young wizards, it left them breathless.

However, the path came to an end, and suddenly, a vast black lake unfolded at the narrow trail's terminus. On the other side of the lake stood a majestic castle atop a high slope, towers rising against the starry sky, windows glinting.

That must be Hogwarts.

What a magnificent structure.

Even from a distance, Dudley could sense the grandeur of the castle. The thought of spending the next few years there filled him with a hint of excitement.

He had never lived in a castle before.

"Hey, kids, hop on the boats. No more than four people per boat!"

Hagrid loudly announced, pointing to a fleet of small boats docked by the shore.

For the other wizards, it meant a limit of four people per boat. For Dudley, being alone in a boat meant he was equivalent to four people. So, he took a boat by himself.

Rumor had it there were magical creatures living under the lake. Dudley stared blankly at the pitch-black water's surface.

Hogwarts, for Dudley, wasn't just a place of study but a treasure trove.

"Dudley, may I address you as such?"

Hagrid's boat was close to Dudley's. Looking uneasy, Dudley, who had a vivid memory of that tail-devouring incident, spoke in a hushed tone, "Sorry, I mean, I shouldn't have—"

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