Chapter 49: Dursley Stays, Others Can Leave

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"Potter, where did you learn this content? I don't recall it being recorded in the books."

Snape's tense expression on his face eased slightly.

"At least not completely like that fool."

"Dudley told me," Harry answered very honestly.

Snape nodded thoughtfully, and for a rare moment, his gaze shifted away from Harry and landed on Dudley.

"Now, Dursley, do you have anything to add regarding what Potter said? Please answer the first two questions."

" Asphodel and wormwood combined can be used to make a potent sleeping draught, known as the Draught of Living Death. Bezoar is a stone taken from a goat's stomach and has a strong antidotal effect."

These questions were child's play for Dudley.

"Very well, Slytherin gets two points," Snape said, appearing to be in a good mood.

Hermione almost jumped up. She had raised her hand for so long, and Snape didn't let her answer, directly giving Dudley two points for free. The gap had now widened further.

"In pairs, for the first class, we'll learn something very simple—brewing a potion to treat boils."

To be honest, a potion to treat boils was not simple at all. In the first-year textbook, it was considered a moderately difficult potion. However, Snape clearly didn't think so. He didn't want to teach students theoretical knowledge alone.

Doing things hands-on was the best way to learn.

After a simple demonstration on the stage, Snape moved back and forth between the various pairs, occasionally guiding the young wizards in their operations, correcting their handling of nettles and crushing snake fangs, pointing out mistakes.

Objectively speaking, Snape was a very responsible teacher. Each time, he could accurately point out the young wizards' mistakes. As long as they followed his guidance, they could successfully complete potion brewing.

"You, the guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. Even the goblins next door are much smarter than you."

"I've told you so many times, you should put porcupine quills first. Is your head filled with dung, just like a troll's?"

"If I were you, I would dig a hole in the ground and bury my head, so that others wouldn't know it's empty."

Of course, if you could tolerate his 'venom.' Especially when he repeated his guidance for the second time, Snape was sarcastic and insulting, setting a new standard for criticism. Almost all students received criticism, with only a few spared.

Hermione was one of them.

Hermione's talent in potions was quite formidable. In Dudley's words, Hermione was the only young wizard he had seen whose potion skills were only slightly inferior to his. Although he hadn't seen many young wizards brew potions before, this couldn't negate Hermione's skills. She finished making the potion just half a beat slower than Dudley.

Snape looked at the potion Hermione made. He neither praised nor belittled her, casually saying, 'pass,' and then walked away.

This infuriated Hermione. She was expecting points.

In fact, Snape not berating her meant Hermione had done well. However, it wasn't good enough to receive praise from the Potions Master.

Next, Snape came to Dudley, picked up the potion already made on the table, and carefully examined it.

"Boil Treating Potion (Perfect)."

This was the first time Dudley had produced a potion of perfect quality, and it was for an unfamiliar potion. On the one hand, this potion was relatively simple for Dudley, and on the other hand, it was thanks to Snape's guidance. Even learning a tiny bit from the experience of a Potion Master could be extremely beneficial.

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