Chapter 40: Draco: I'll Teach Him a Lesson!

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The conflict between Dudley and Malfoy on the Hogwarts Express had already become common knowledge among the Slytherins. It was common for Slytherins to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"The big fool actually got sorted into Slytherin. Wait until we get back to the common room; he'll see."

Malfoy's face was flushed with excitement, his tone filled with urgency.

He couldn't wait for that moment. Crabbe and Goyle, sitting beside him, were also clenching their fists, regretting their carelessness on the train. Otherwise, they would have beaten him up.

The scars are healed and the pain is forgotten, that's what they said..

The Slytherin wizards around them exchanged glances, understanding everything without saying a word.

Right at the moment the Sorting Hat announced the house, Malfoy had already discussed it with the Slytherin students.

In all of Hogwarts, only Hermione and Harry cared the most about Dudley. Both kept glancing at Dudley's seat, but there was nothing they could do.

However, their concerns were quite different.

Hermione heard that Slytherin was considered the worst among the four houses, a gathering place for troublemakers. She worried that Dudley might be influenced negatively and feared that he would be bullied. On the other hand, Harry was concerned that Dudley would beat up all the Slytherins, leading to punishment from the school. As for Dudley being bullied, Harry insisted that it was impossible; he would be thankful as long as Dudley didn't bully others.

Dumbledore stood up, looking at the young wizards below with a smiling face, arms open as if ready to embrace everyone.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!"

"Before the feast begins, I would like to say a few words. Those are: "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!' Thank you all!"

After saying these eccentric words, he sat down, leaving the young wizards bewildered. As his words ended, a variety of delicious dishes appeared on the tables.

It must be said that when one is hungry, everything tastes delicious. Moreover, the cooking skills in the Hogwarts kitchen were much better than many restaurants in London.

Dudley, who had been starving, ignored the puzzled looks from Slytherins around him. He picked up the nearest food and began to enjoy it.

He had been hungry for a long time.

Listening to the occasional +1 system prompt in his ear, Dudley ate more enthusiastically.

Dudley had already sensed the magical experience of Hogwarts food during the Express ride.

Was this the magic of the magical world?

"Look at that big fool, eating like a barbarian. Not elegant at all, no understanding of table manners."

Whispers with lowered voices started around him.

"I don't know why the Sorting Hat put him in Slytherin. He's vulgar and barbaric, with not a single trait fitting Slytherin."

"I should write to my dad and tell him to throw him into Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. That would be a more suitable place for someone like him."

The speakers were mostly first and second years, as the older students refrained from participating. However, they didn't intervene, just watching coldly.

Dudley, who practiced Hamon Qi Gong all year round, had senses much sharper than wizards. He naturally heard what they were saying but continued to chew his food without any regard.

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