Chapter 53: This is Dark Magic! Definitely!

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"What do you want?"

Facing Dudley, Malfoy unconsciously used polite language.

Confirming that Dudley was not someone he could mess with, Malfoy became timid.

Dudley had encountered many people like Malfoy, even at St. George's School. They were simply spoiled troublemakers.

Give them a taste of their own medicine, and it's best to settle things once and for all.

Dudley had gained a notorious reputation at St. George's, but violence alone wouldn't cut it.

"What do you think I want?"

Dudley's hand lightly rested on Malfoy's shoulder, gliding over like wiping away dust. Two fingers pressed on the shoulder and elbow joints.


An extremely subtle sound of bones reached Dudley's ears.

Malfoy was horrified to find that his right hand, like a lump of rubber, hung limp on his shoulder. No matter how hard he tried, there was no response.

A piercing pain radiated from his arm. Malfoy, used to a life of luxury, had never experienced such a feeling. Tears and snot flowed immediately.

Just as he was about to shout, he noticed Dudley's hand on his neck, and the sound died in his throat.

He didn't even dare to breathe, afraid his neck would become as unresponsive as his arm.

Even if he wasn't a wizard, he knew what this meant.

That magical hand held his life in its grasp.

Then, the hand lingered just above Malfoy's forehead, less than two centimeters away.

For the first time, Dudley unabashedly released his malice towards Malfoy. In that moment, he seemed like a demon crawling up from the depths of the underworld. Malfoy felt, for the first time in his life, that death was so close. He had no doubt that any movement on his part would result in being torn to pieces by Dudley, and then consumed bit by bit.

This was a shock directly to the soul. Malfoy felt like he couldn't breathe.

No, not just felt, but he truly couldn't breathe.


Malfoy's pale face turned red from lack of oxygen.

'Dark magic, he must have used dark magic. I'm going to die.'

Malfoy screamed in his mind. In this moment, he remembered his father's words of caution, advising him not to provoke that Harry Potter unless he was sure that both Potter and his companions were ordinary people.

In pure-blood circles, the idea that Harry was a dark wizard or that someone powerful and dark was lurking among his associates was quite popular.

Malfoy never imagined that Harry's brother, this guy named Dudley Dursley, was that dark wizard.

Whether he believed Harry was a dark wizard or not, some believed that there must be a powerful dark wizard among his associates. Otherwise, they couldn't explain how Voldemort was defeated. In their eyes, only a stronger dark wizard could defeat Voldemort.

He hadn't seen Dudley use a wand or heard him incant a spell. It was a silent spell, something his father occasionally mentioned.

A sign of a highly skilled wizard.

Dudley wasn't just a dark wizard; he was a highly skilled dark wizard.

In reality, Dudley only released a bit of malice. Malfoy's inability to breathe was due to his own tension and fear. Intense emotions such as fear and anxiety could lead to muscle tension, spasms, and difficulty breathing, known as emotional spasm or stress response.

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