Chapter 19: Hagrid's Loss of the Korean Market

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Chapter 19: Hagrid's Loss of the Korean Market

Whether the letter was meant for Dudley is now beyond verification. Unless one could inquire with the sender, which, given Dudley's current situation, was an impossibility.

"Leave this place!"

After completely destroying those letters, Vernon tried to maintain composure in his words. However, the fact that he was pulling out chunks of his beard from his face showed that his inner turmoil was far from settled.

"Within five minutes, we're leaving. Hurry and pack a few clothes. No negotiations!"

His expression was unusually serious and stern, a side of Vernon Dursley that Dudley had never seen before.

"I won't let my family get involved in those damn absurd things!"

Soon, the family was in the newly bought car of the Dursleys, with Vernon driving headlong in silence. Petunia kept her head down, murmuring prayers, and Dudley could hear her words, Get rid of them, get rid of them.' The atmosphere in the car was oppressively tense.

Dudley, too, began to contemplate. The current situation same as in the original book, with the family went out to 'escape' together.

However, Dudley couldn't quite comprehend this aspect. Why did the Dursleys insist on taking Harry along? If they truly detested Harry, why not leave him behind at home?

Whether it was Vernon or Petunia, they should have known that the letter was addressed to Harry Potter, not Dursley. Yet, they brought Harry along.

As the car journey continued throughout the day, they arrived at a motel in the outskirts of a large city.

Compared to the slow-paced driving of Muggles, wizards, whether using Apparition, Floo Powder, or Portkeys, were far more efficient.

In the motel, a pile of letters awaited the Dursley family.

Dudley felt that his father was on the verge of going mad.

At the same time, Dudley, for the first time, harbored dissatisfaction with the actions of these wizards.

Needing care from family, they simply dumped him at my doorstep. For eleven years, they ignored him, talking about pity but never actually caring for him. Now, when he reached school age, the magical world needed him, and they could just take him away with a letter?

Without consulting the guardian's opinion.

What do you think we Dursleys are?

What do you take Harry for?

Here today, gone tomorrow.

Can't they send someone over to talk properly?

Is mocking Muggles amusing?

Is this the high and mighty wizards?

Aren't they too arrogant?

"I've found an ideal place!"

Vernon pushed open the door of the motel room, staring with bloodshot eyes. He hadn't had a good night's sleep for days.

The place Vernon found was a giant reef in the sea, with a dilapidated two-story shack that resembled a lighthouse on top.

This place was destined to have no electricity, and even cooking could only be done with firewood.

Night fell, and the Dursleys rested early. These days of anxiety had deprived them of a single night of good sleep.

A whiff of aroma wafted from the kitchen, and soon a few simple dishes, along with a bowl of longevity noodles, were placed in front of Harry.

"Happy birthday, Harry."

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