Chapter 21: Hagrid, Eat Shit

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In this moment, Harry felt that his excessively overweight uncle suddenly looked incredibly handsome, and at the same time, a warmth welled up inside him.

At the same time, an inevitable thought arose in his mind: "Did that place called Hogwarts kill my parents? Were they in a car accident at Hogwarts?"

"You don't understand, Dursleys, you don't understand at all!" Hagrid's words angered him immensely, and he paced the room like an enraged black bear. "Protection? What are you using to protect her? That little stick?"

"Dursleys! Listen to me carefully. This child is different from you. He is destined for that world!"

"Destined for that world?" Vernon's words further fueled Hagrid's anger. At this moment, he completely let out his grievances, pointing at Hagrid with trembling fingers: "You talk about him belonging to that world! If that's the case, why didn't you let him stay in that world? Why didn't you take care of him? You left him at our doorstep without a word for eleven years, just a letter?!"

"We've accepted him as family now, he's a part of our family, and now you want to claim that he belongs to that world again? Trying to take him away from us!"

Expressing all his accumulated grievances, Vernon pointed at Hagrid with trembling fingers, his voice choked: "Don't you think this is cruel?"

"Let me say it again, Petunia and I are Harry's legal guardians, protected by English law. We absolutely won't allow Harry to go to that cursed place."

For the first time, Vernon didn't call Harry a freak; he used his name.

At this moment, Petunia also tightly hugged Harry, as if afraid someone would snatch him away. Harry, stiff in her embrace, heard Petunia softly repeating, "I won't let them take you away from me."

At this moment, Harry's heart felt warm, and his nose tingled.

Being held by Petunia, Harry greedily and forcefully sniffed the scent on her, as if trying to imprint it in his heart.

This was the feeling of a mother. This was the scent of a mother.

Harry had never experienced maternal love, but at this moment, he felt like he owned it.

Indeed, as Dudley often said, his aunt and uncle loved him, and this moment only strengthened his belief.

"Legal protection? Muggle laws are useless!" Hagrid said disdainfully, completely disregarding the laws of the non-falling empire. "If I want to take him away now, can you stop me? I've been given the task by Professor Dumbledore to take him to Hogwarts."

"I won't let you take him! I won't let that crazy old man teach another little lunatic to die inexplicably!"

Hagrid, upon hearing Vernon's words, instantly entered a state of rage. He grabbed Vernon's collar as if he were lifting a little chick, lifting him off the ground, and his large mouth opened and closed, as if he could devour Vernon whole: "Never! Disrespect! Albus! Dumbledore! In! Front! Of! Me!"

For Hagrid, Dumbledore was his benefactor, the person he respected the most.

Vernon's face turned red as his feet left the ground, a sign of oxygen deprivation. He couldn't breathe, struggling with all his might, but his strength meant nothing in front of Hagrid.

Just as Hagrid was about to give Vernon an unforgettable lesson, his body paused slightly, and a strong arm grabbed his wrist.

"Big guy, what do you want to do?"

Dudley intervened.

With a strong press, Dudley lowered Hagrid's hand holding Vernon's collar, allowing Vernon's feet to touch the ground.

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