Chapter 20: We Will Protect This Child Until He Comes of Age! (Hheheheheh)

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Faced with the giant over three meters tall, Vernon, though afraid, continued to use his bulky body to shield his family.

The giant casually pointed his small red umbrella at the fireplace and, magically, the extinguished fire roared back to life. Dursley's eyes brightened at the sight; this was magic, indeed, and it seemed truly wondrous.

After toasting himself by the fire for a while, the giant still felt chilly. He rubbed his hands together and said, "Oh, I'd love a cup of hot tea. You must have some."

Vernon's earlier desire to seek a fight vanished instantly, and he responded coldly, "Tea is served to guests."

The implication was clear—guests were to be ordered to leave.

"Hey, Dursley, look at your silly big guy here; he hasn't figured out one thing yet." The giant, seemingly unaware of the tension, sneered at Dudley, "Remember, don't say 'no' to someone stronger than you."

Petrified that the giant might harm Dudley, Petunia rushed to make tea. Dudley, however, resisted his mother's attempt to serve the giant and personally handed Hagrid a cup of tea.

Throughout the process, Dudley remained expressionless and silent.

Observing this, Harry understood that Dudley was on the verge of anger. Dudley preferred to convince people with reason, but when he tightened his face and fell silent, it meant he was prepared to resort to "force."

Harry believed that in a confrontation, Dudley was the stronger one. Harry had never seen Dudley lose a fight. However, the giant's massive stature still made him uneasy.

"If they really fight, I'll use the burning stick to hit him hard."

Harry's eyes wandered, and he finally settled on the giant's backside.

"That's right. I didn't expect you, the clumsy big oaf, to be able to brew tea." Hagrid, indifferent to Dudley's expression, took the cup from him, drank a sip, and nodded approvingly. Then, he turned to Harry, displaying a friendly smile and said, "Harry, no matter what, I wish you a happy birthday."

"Arrogant and lacking in manners," thought Dudley.

Furthermore, his impression of Hogwarts plummeted even further.

The giant pulled out a flattened box and handed it to Harry. "Oh, it seems a bit squashed, but it must taste good. I guarantee it."

"Who are you?" Harry did not leave Vernon's protection, nor did he reach out to accept the giant's gift. He just looked at him warily.

Seeing that Harry hesitated to accept the gift, Hagrid felt a bit awkward. He took it back and said, "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Rubeus Hagrid. Just call me Hagrid. I'm the Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts."

At this point, Hagrid paused, and his large eyes stared at Harry. "You know about Hogwarts, right?"

Harry, feeling uneasy under Hagrid's gaze, shook his head. "I don't know."

"Don't know?!" Hearing Harry's answer, Hagrid suddenly roared, turning his head to glare at the Dursleys. With his massive body and angry eyes, he looked like an enraged giant ready to devour them.

Meanwhile, Dudley, prepared for a confrontation, tensed up, waiting for Hagrid's move.

"Why don't you know?!" Hagrid's voice rose several decibels.

"You never told the boy anything, did you?!" He used a loud and angry tone, shaking the entire cottage. "I know you never received those letters, but you should... I understand now! Dursley!"

Hagrid's voice escalated again.

"Why haven't you told this child everything since the moment you brought him into your home?!"

"I said shut up!" His words seemed to hit a sensitive nerve in the Dursleys. Vernon, suppressing his fear of Hagrid, shouted loudly, commanding Hagrid, "Don't say anything more! I won't allow you to tell him anything!"

"From the moment we brought him into our home, we decided to stay away from that cursed place!"

Vernon transformed his inner fear into strength. Despite Hagrid's furious gaze, he stared back without any weakness. Each word was emphasized, spoken with strength, "That cursed place killed this child's parents. Do you want this child to end up the same way?!"

"We will protect this child! Until he comes of age!"

PS: I actually don't have any ill feelings towards Hagrid, but this time, looking from the Dursleys' perspective, it's a different story. This guy is a troublemaker.

PS2: By the way, when Hagrid asked for tea, the original words imply a threat. Even though he's a half-giant often discriminated against in the magical world, he still maintains a natural sense of superiority when facing Muggles.

(End of this chapter)

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