Chapter 25: I, Harry Potter, Won't Go to Hogwarts

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According to English law, a citizen's private property is sacrosanct and inviolable. Even if Hagrid, who intruded without permission, were shot by the Dursleys, it would be considered self-defense.

Of course, this only applies to ordinary people; wizards are not bound by the laws of the Muggle world.

By the way, the term "Muggle" is actually a derogatory and offensive term. It can even be translated as "fool".

Hagrid, who stayed outside the door, looked at the reinstalled gate with a dejected expression. After a moment of contemplation, he silently rode his motorcycle and left.

Only after hearing the sound of the other party leaving did Dudley breathe a sigh of relief. He was worried that Hagrid would react and continue the conflict. Turning to his parents and Harry, he said, "The annoying intruder has been driven away. Let's continue sleeping."

Dudley was exhausted at the moment. The LV5-level skills had almost depleted his strength. He just wanted to rest well, and any other matters could be discussed tomorrow.

This move must be used cautiously in the future.

After saying that, he lay down on the sofa and began to fall asleep.

Vernon opened his mouth to ask something, but Petunia quickly pulled at the hem of his clothes. After a moment of eye contact, the two of them went upstairs.

Hagrid's arrival made the Dursley couple realize that the wizards would definitely not let Harry go.

Compared to the worried Dursley couple, Harry admired Dudley immensely: 'Truly worthy of being called Brother D, actually defeating that giant.'

He had many questions for Dudley but refrained from asking as Dudley was already asleep. He silently suppressed his curiosity.

The next day, Dudley, who had cultivated good habits from a young age, woke up early. After finishing his morning exercises, the Dursley couple and Harry woke up.

"Let's go home."

This was the first thing Dudley said when he saw everyone. Sweat covered the chubby face of the baby, and there was a maturity that didn't match his age.

"I think some important guests will come to our house soon, similar to the one yesterday."

The Dursley family of four silently packed their luggage, and Vernon drove the car in the direction of Privet Drive.

There was no conversation along the way.

After a few hours of driving, they returned to the familiar two-story house.

The owls outside the yard and near the mailbox had already left without anyone noticing. A tabby cat, apparently passing by, was watching with big curious eyes as the Dursley family carried their luggage back home.

"Dudley, dear."

Upon returning home, Petunia was about to say something, but Dudley waved his hand to stop her.

"Before anything else, I think you should tell us some things, such as Harry's background, my mysterious aunt and uncle, well, Harry's parents, and those magical abilities. I think our family should be more open about these things."

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