Chapter 8: Discovery of Dudley

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This was the reason Dudley wanted to stay at Mrs. Figg's house with Harry because she had many, many furry pets.

In his previous life, Dudley loved furry creatures. He even had several at home. Unfortunately, this time Vernon was allergic to cat fur; otherwise, Dudley would have definitely kept a bunch of these fluffy cuties.

"Dudley, I think you should let go of Snowball; she already dislikes you," Mrs. Figg said with a smiling squint.

"Mrs. Figg, I'm usually very affectionate to Snowball. I even fed it with goat milk when it was little. If it still dislikes me, that's just heartless." Saying this, Dudley rubbed Snowball's belly again.

Dudley's physique, combined with his actions, indeed had a somewhat "gentle tiger, delicately sniffing the roses" vibe.

Actually, apart from the disdainful expression on Snowball's face, it didn't resist Dudley's actions. Instead, it purred contentedly.

Cats, unlike dogs, especially in a vulnerable position like the abdomen, considered the act of being sucked as an attack. If Snowball and Dudley didn't get along well or had an ordinary relationship, Dudley would probably be met with a swipe or a wild scratching session.

"This is because you haven't come to see us for such a long time," Mrs. Figg's tone carried a hint of blame. "Snowball, Kick-Kick, Mr. Paws, and Fluff have almost forgotten you."

Kick-Kick, Snowball, Mr. Paws, and Fluff, a total of four cats, were all raised by Mrs. Figg.

From their conversation, it was clear that Dudley and Mrs. Figg had known each other for a long time. It made sense—Dudley liked cats, and Mrs. Figg was the only one on the nearby streets who kept cats.

Initially, Mrs. Figg didn't like Dudley much, or rather, she didn't like the Dursley family. This changed when Harry was first left at Mrs. Figg's.

"The schoolwork is too demanding, Mrs. Figg."

"Not only do we have to study academic subjects, but we also have to win more medals for the school, participate in exchange activities. It's exhausting, and I barely have time for exercise."

Finally putting Snowball down, Dudley couldn't bear to part with it. Snowball kept meowing at him continuously.

Seeing this, Dudley took a bunch of small dried fish from his pocket and fed Snowball one by one.

"You, don't feed it too much; it won't eat properly later," Mrs. Figg chuckled, shaking her head. She looked at Dudley's small, strong body with admiration. "You have the strongest physique I've ever seen."

After saying that, Mrs. Figg added in her mind, 'Perhaps only that person is stronger than you.'

During the conversation, the other cats in Mrs. Figg's house, smelling the scent, came out of the room one by one, rubbing against Dudley's feet and marking their scent on him.

Harry, like a little ghost, stood by the door watching the two chatting happily. He envied Dudley's social skills; he could strike up a conversation with anyone.

"Oh, Harry," Mrs. Figg suddenly remembered Harry and turned to both of them, asking, "I suppose you're hungry?"

"I'll prepare something for you."

Mrs. Figg was skilled in cooking. Her fried sausages, pickled cabbage, and mashed potatoes were exquisite.

But today, Dudley didn't feel like eating these. Because Petunia could make them, though not as good as Mrs. Figg.

Eating the same thing every day could get boring.

"Mrs. Figg, let me handle it," Dudley threw the remaining dried fish to the cats, clapped his hands, and stood up. "Today, I'll show you my skills."

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