Chapter 338 - 339

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Chapter 338 The Charm of Pills

On the deep blue seabed, there is a very eye-catching building.

It is a huge and majestic palace naturally formed by countless huge coral trees intertwined together.

The Coral Palace is very dazzling because of the colorful light emitted by the coral itself, illuminating the darkness of the deep sea.

Although this coral palace is made up of huge coral trees intertwined, there are no gaps. The dense arrangement wraps the palace tightly. Standing outside, it is absolutely impossible to use the gaps outside to see what is going on inside.

In this splendid coral hall, Qi Rui was sitting leisurely on a large coral sculpture chair, his face was full of fun, and he seemed to be in good spirits.

No wonder he was in a good mood, it's been a long time since he saw his disciples fighting with all their strength. The last time was during the demon invasion ten years ago.

Of course, it may also be because he was focused on his wife in Kunlun Ruins and didn't pay much attention to his disciples. They must have tried their best to compete with each other.

Unlike Qi Rui who was calm and calm, Mu Qing and the other mermaids felt like their world view was exploding, especially the younger generation of mermaids who were fighting Chi Hongxuan.

Mu Qing looked at her great-grandson in the grand hall, feeling proud deep in his heart.

As expected of his great-grandson, worthy of his bloodline, with his great-grandson's strength, even without Qi Rui, it wouldn't take long for them to leave.

Compared to Mu Qing's pride, Ye Jinghong's emotions as a mother were much more complicated.

There is pride, but more than anything, it is heartache.

She was very aware of her son's previous fighting prowess. Although he was also the best among his peers, he was definitely not that powerful.

And strength is often stacked up by hardships.

How much suffering did her son have to suffer to achieve the strength he has today?

Ye Jinghong didn't dare to think about it anymore, she was afraid that she would lose her composure.

Now she has only one idea.

After going out, Chi Shan and his son, the woman outside, must be cut into pieces, otherwise it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in her heart!

Ye Jinghong gritted his teeth with hatred here, but Chi Hongxuan in the empty hall was full of fighting spirit, and the more he fought, the braver he became.

He could feel that as he continued to fight in the sea, a strange energy gradually surged into his body.

Those energies were harmless to him, but instead made it easier for him to wave the talisman sword in his hand on the sea floor, gradually adapting to the pressure brought by the sea water.

Chi Hongxuan, who was getting more and more fierce as he fought, didn't know that at this time, little red light points were coming out of his body, and they were gathering into his body bit by bit.

At first it was only a tiny bit, but later on, there were more and more red light spots, almost covering his whole body. The dazzling red light almost made it impossible for the mermaids who were close to him to look directly.

But unfortunately, he himself didn't seem to feel these changes, nor would his vision be affected by the dazzling red light. He was extremely accurate in dealing with the mermaids surrounding him.

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