World Class Simp

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It’s a sunny day during their first year as pro heroes that Izuku sees it. He’s walking through the mall with Uraraka after a grueling early morning patrol, for which Izuku had to get up so early that even Kacchan was still asleep and Izuku couldn’t get his usual good morning cuddles or anything. He had to tiptoe out of the apartment with just a kiss to Kacchan’s forehead and a plate of mediocre breakfast on the counter. He figures Kacchan will dump it on Kirishima at work and make something for himself, but at least it’s going to someone. Besides, Izuku feels like a terrible boyfriend if he just leaves without making breakfast for Kacchan. Even though Kacchan had told-begged, really-Izuku not to multiple times.

Oh, well. He should know by now that Izuku doesn’t listen.

Which leads Izuku to where he is now, an arm looped through Uraraka’s as they walk through the mall and sip on boba. Kacchan hates boba, which is why Izuku is currently texting him pictures of him drinking said boba and giggling at the aggressive all caps texts he’s getting back. Sometimes after a while of Kacchan-deprivation, Izuku likes to rile him up and bask in Kacchan at his finest-angry about something. It makes Izuku happy.

”You’re such a simp,” Uraraka reads Izuku’s texts over his shoulder.

”Shut up,” Izuku complains, “you would be too if you were dating Kacchan!”

“Would I, though?” Uraraka ponders, lips puckering around the straw in her mouth, “I’m not gonna lie, Izuku, your boyfriend is kind of average. The temper cancels out the hotness, you know what I mean?”

“No, I do not know what you mean,” Izuku gasps in half mock and half genuine offense, “Kacchan wouldn’t be Kacchan if not for his temper! It’s endearing!”

“It’s endearing until he’s blown up an entire section of the agency and you’re the one who’s called to clean it all up ‘cause you have the quirk that makes things weightless.”

”So you agree it’s endearing, then.”

Deku-” Uraraka sighs, utterly done with him, but Izuku’s no longer listening. He’s distracted by the window of a store in the mall he’s very familiar with: the hero merch store. When Izuku was a kid he’d come here for All Might merch, and if he’s being honest he still does. He also buys other heroes’ stuff, of course, and he makes sure to keep tabs on every single piece of merchandise that enters the store. It’s actually kind of creepy, according to the manager who has to deal with Izuku every time he walks into the store. Izuku personally doesn’t think it’s that creepy, he’s just excited! Kacchan thinks it’s creepy, though.

Kacchan, however, is wrong. Izuku is evidently not creepy enough, because somehow he didn’t know about this.

This being the apparent release of Kacchan’s very first hero merch line.

It’s amazing, if Izuku says so himself. He’s not sure how Kacchan managed to hide it from him, or why Kacchan would do that in the first place. Probably to stop Izuku from blowing money on it. Too bad for him, though, Izuku is gonna do that right now. How could he not? There’s hats, shirts, jackets, pants, basically an entire clothing line. They look comfy, too, being the kid of fashion designers of course Kacchan knows how to balance comfort and style. Izuku can already imagine being covered head to toe in this merch and reading something on the couch, Kacchan’s head in his lap as Izuku strokes his hair. The picture of domestic life. Izuku would spend all the money in his pocket to make that happen.

“You’re batshit,” Uraraka tells him, catching onto what Izuku saw. She sidles up beside him and looks at the mannequins on display in Kacchan’s colors. The sight makes Izuku frown. He should be the one in Kacchan’s colors. He can hear Iida’s voice in his mind telling him he’s being concerningly possessive, Midoriya-but whatever. Iida attempted murder when he was fifteen, so maybe he should stop trying to tell Izuku what to do.

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