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The sun shone down on the dense forest surrounding the two kids, casting a warm golden light on them as they sat just next to each other on the riverbed, completely soaked after their little play just a moment ago. Splashing the water lightly now and then, loving the feeling of the water flowing through their little fingers. Skipping stones becoming another competition of theirs.

The rustling leaves, the rushing water, the bird chirping, the cool breeze. It was the perfect atmosphere if they just wanted to relax in their person’s company; their presence alone emitted reassurance and comfort in their little hearts and they both knew that. It was Izuku’s and Katsuki’s favourite spot. It was their place. Well, no other kid would step into Katsuki’s territory, could they? They’d come here after hanging out with their friends, missing having the other person just to themselves. Selfish really but who cares?

They were staring up at the bright blue sky, watching over the passing clouds, tracing shapes. “Zu, that one looks like your stupid hair,” he scoffed, smirking to himself. “Kacchan, that’s’ mean!”’

Just as he raises his hand to point at another cloud, without warning, there is a sudden explosion, enough to throw his small body back just a few feet away from where he was just sitting down. His back was against a tree, light scrapes and dirt covered his legs, and his left shoulder hurt from the impact. His eyes shut from the pain. It took him a while to recover, and once he did, he tried his best to assess what the hell just happened.

“Z-zuku?” He stuttered, a bit panicked. He opened his eyes to look for his friend, and what he saw almost made his heart drop.

He was lying on his side, back facing him, his hands covering his ears, his clothes were disheveled, and his hair was a mess as the side was slightly scorched, leaving his curls weirdly.

He ran to his side quickly, helping him sit up and groaning slightly. "Y-yeah?, you got your q-quirk? This is so cool!"

Katsuki froze. He took in the sight of his friend, the unshed tears pooling in his eyes. He quickly threw himself as far away as he could. For the first time in his life, Katsuki felt genuine fear. Fear that he caused permanent damage to his best friend; fear that he just hurt someone he deeply cared about. He was shaking, he felt weak, he felt disgusted with himself.

Izuku looked up to where Katsuki was standing. His ears were still ringing and he couldn’t exactly hear what he was saying, but he could clearly see that he was panicking. He sniffled as he got up, slowly approaching him.

“Kacchan? Why are you far? Are you okay?

Green eyes met red, his ears were still recovering, but enough to hear the gist of what his friend was saying. "D-don't come near me! I might h-hurt you again, please, Z-zuku. Stay away from me. I hate this power already; I hate it, p-pease. I hurt you. I don’t want it, please. please,” He kept scratching his own hands, fingernails dug in deep, leaving gashes in his perfectly smooth skin. Blood dripped down his fingers onto the rocks beneath their feet.

Izuku felt angry; he held both of his wrists down, not letting go despite Katsuki’s protest. “Don’t do that; you’re hurting yourself!” He looked down, just as he heard small crackers, seeing that they were coming from Katsuki’s palm.

Panic set in again in Katsuki’s mind, knowing he couldn’t control it. He tried his best to push Izuku away, but he was holding him like a lifeline. “Give me your hands, Kacchan.”

He widened his eyes. Was Izuku losing it? Did he hurt his head?

Izuku dragged his hands away from his wrist to his hands, intertwining both of them, giving them a gentle squeeze as he raised them towards their chests. “See? You’re not hurting me.” Katsuki stared at their joined hands. He closed his eyes, feeling the weight on his shoulders slightly lift.

Izuku kissed the back of his palms, spitting out reassurances one after another. “I’m okay, Kacchan. I know you didn’t mean it.”

“I’m so scared," he sniffed, feeling tears prick in the corner of his eyes. “What if I hurt you again? Are your ears okay? What will I say to Auntie Inko? What if I can’t control this again?"

Izuku gave his hand another squeeze to catch his attention, but when it didn’t work, he tugged them harshly, causing his panic ramble to stop. “My ears are okay; it hurt a little, but I am okay. Mama wouldn’t get mad at you. You’ll learn how to control them soon, Kacchan. It’s okay. I’m okay. You’re okay.’

Katsuki felt grateful for his friend, but he is so frustrated that even his assurances will not make the panicked tears stop rolling down his cheeks. “My hands are deadly. They’re dangerous now. Just made for destruction.” The dam cracked, and Izuku pulled him into a hug, his heart breaking at his friend's deprecating words. Wishing he didn't define it over one single accident. “Kacchan, please don’t say that. Your hands are obviously more capable than that.”

He pulled out of the hug, held his hands to his face, and laid his own head on his palms, leaving a small trail of kisses again, hoping that Katsuki could see how sincere he was. “Remember our plans? To become heroes? You have your quirk now, and it was powerful. Looks like your hands were made for victory, don’t you think so?”

Katsuki felt a surge of determination wash over him at Izuku's words, it fueled him.

“I’ll keep saying that until you believe it, My hero, Kacchan!”

Katsuki blushed at that; he could see how serious he was, and it felt nice to have someone believe in him, someone that he loved. Stars practically swimmed in his eyes. “Thank you, Izuku. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, Kacchan, Are you okay?” He dropped his hands, giving it a last kiss before doing so.

“I’m okay.”

”Cool! Are you going to let me see how your power works now? I’m so curious what it feels like. Hey,  what did it feel like? Do you feel any different? How big can you make your explosions? Did it hurt? Where does it come from? –”

“Nerd, relax; let’s go home first; we’re both hurt.” He flicked his forehead, hesitant at first but doing so anyway.

“Will you let me make you a costume? Will you show me more? Your hands crackled a while ago, right? It looked like small fireworks.. I want to see it again!”

They both walked out of the forest, holding each other's hands as Izuku continued to ramble about his ideas.

Thank you, Izuku.


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