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It was all perfect. Everything was absolutely perfect.

Was it always perfect between them? No. There was a time when they were on the rocks, not knowing if they'd return once the tide turned.

Now, as long as they were together, everything was perfect.

They'd decided to go out for dinner for the night, ever the health fanatic Katsuki was, it was a rare occurrence for the couple.

After their dinner however, they decided to just walk around the neighbourhood, not wanting their night to end and enjoying each other's company outside of their home.

Of course they did love their nights in, just them as they lounge on the couch in each other's company. They didn't need to be doing the same things to be together.

But some nights, the couple wanted something a little extra special.

That worked for them, some nights they wanted to stay in, some nights they wanted to go out.

It was simple. It was perfect.

The serenity that followed them from the restaurant had stopped however. Turning into damp chaos.

On all nights that they go out, of course it rains right on top of them.

For most people, they would just deal with it. It was just rain after all, it's not like he would melt.

Katsuki however, is not most people. He hates the rain, he would argue, for good reason.

The rain makes everything wet, muddy and dangerous to walk on. He also hates the way that wet clothes stick to his skin, as if he weren't wearing any at all.

He wasn't ashamed of his body, fair from it. He knows he's top shit. But having wet clothes stuck to him feels like an act of indecency.

The worst feeling of all, as wet socks and shoes. Like stepping into the wetlands each time his feet moved. Let alone the squelching sound that would come from inside his shoes.

He much preferred the blistering heat, shining sun and heatwaves emitting from the ground beneath them.

Izuku was the opposite. For someone so bright, blinding Katsuki as much as the summer sun, he was more partial to gloomy and dull days. He knew his boyfriend loved the rain.

If he didn't get sick after a day spent in the rain, his boyfriend would spend every minute in it.

Or even better for the both of them, keeping to themselves as much as possible within the confines of their home. Absorbing one another in other ways, and absorbing the atmosphere that can only be created when the rain was present.

"This is stupid, Izuku." Katsuki grumbled, willing his boyfriend to let them go home the short way. His prayers, or his lack of willingness to say no to his partner, left unanswered.

"Kacchan!" Beaming a smile up at the blond, "it's not stupid! It's just rain." Strong arms rise from beside his boyfriend's body. Katsuki watches as Izuku opens his arms towards the sky, watching as the water splashes on his body.

"Just because it's rain doesn't mean we need to be in it."

"We were out anyway, Kacchan. No big deal."

"We're so going to be sick tomorrow." Katsuki grumbles, even though the other may not have heard it, a conversation just like this one had happened many times more before then.

"You'll take care of me?" Izuku looks back down to Katsuki from the sky, with a pleading look.

"Stupid nerd." Katsuki says in response.

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