Life and Death

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Katsuki had never felt so helpless in his life. He held his husband, Izuku, tightly in his arms as he gasped for air. His once vibrant green eyes were now clouded over with pain and fear.

"K-Kacchan," Izuku rasped out, his hand weakly clutching at Katsuki's shirt. "I don't want to die."

Katsuki felt his heart shatter into a million pieces at those words. He had never been one to show his emotions, but in that moment, he couldn't hold back his tears.

"Don't you dare leave me, you hear me?" Katsuki whispered fiercely, his voice cracking. "You promised me forever, damn it!"

Izuku's eyes flickered as he struggled to speak again. "I love you, Kacchan. Always...always have."

Katsuki buried his face in Izuku's hair, holding him closer. He couldn't bear the thought of living without him.

As the minutes ticked by, Izuku's breathing became more and more labored. Katsuki could feel his own sanity slipping away as he watched the love of his life slip away from him.

When Izuku finally took his last breath, Katsuki let out a soul-wrenching scream that echoed throughout the room. He held onto Izuku's lifeless body, refusing to let go.

Days turned into weeks, and Katsuki slowly began to lose his grip on reality. He stopped eating and sleeping, only focusing on the memories he had shared with Izuku.

Katsuki would often be found curled up in a ball, clutching Izuku's favorite hoodie to his chest. He would cry until he had no tears left, and then stare blankly into space for hours.

The world around Katsuki began to fade away, leaving only his memories of Izuku. He didn't care about anything else. He just wanted his husband back.

But no matter how much he screamed or begged, Izuku never came back to him. Katsuki was left alone in a world that had lost all meaning.

The grief consumed Katsuki until he became a shell of the person he once was. He had lost the only thing that mattered to him, and he didn't know how to go on without it.

In the end, Katsuki lost his mind to the pain of his loss, and he joined Izuku in death. The two were finally reunited, but at what cost?

Katsuki's parents, Mitsuki and Masaru, had been out running errands when they tried to call their son and there was no answer. They knew that Katsuki had been struggling with the loss of Izuku, so they became increasingly worried when they couldn't get in touch with him.

Mitsuki's heart pounded in her chest as she sped down the road, the car swerving dangerously as she pushed it to its limit. Masaru clung to the handle above the door, his own heart racing with fear.

Finally, they arrived at Katsuki's house and found the door unlocked. They rushed inside, calling out for their son, but there was no answer.

It wasn't until they reached the living room that they saw Katsuki lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. Mitsuki screamed and rushed to his side, trying to wake him up, while Masaru frantically called for an ambulance.

But it was too late. Katsuki was already gone.

Mitsuki's screams echoed through the house as she clung to her son's lifeless body, tears streaming down her face. Masaru was inconsolable, his entire body shaking with sobs as he tried to process what had just happened.

The ambulance arrived minutes later, but it was clear that there was nothing they could do. Katsuki was gone, leaving behind only a shattered family and a lifetime of memories.

The days that followed were a blur of grief and pain. Mitsuki and Masaru were consumed with guilt, feeling as though they should have done more to help their son. They had no idea how much he was struggling with the loss of Izuku.

Their once happy family was now broken beyond repair, and they would never be the same again. The pain of losing both their son and son-in-law was something that would haunt them for the rest of their lives.

In the end, all they had left were the memories of Katsuki and Izuku, and the knowledge that they would never be forgotten. Their love would live on, even in death, and they would always be remembered as two souls who loved each other until the very end.

The day of Katsuki's funeral was a somber and emotional affair. Hundreds of people turned out to pay their respects to the fallen hero, including his family, friends, and colleagues from UA.

Mitsuki and Masaru were both inconsolable, still struggling to come to terms with the loss of their son. They stood beside Katsuki's coffin, holding each other tightly as tears streamed down their faces.

Sero, Mina, Kamanari, Kirishima, and Todoroki stood together, united in their grief for their fallen friend. They each took turns saying goodbye to Katsuki, placing flowers on his coffin and offering their final farewells.

As the service drew to a close, Mitsuki and Masaru made a final decision. They wanted Katsuki to be buried next to his beloved husband, Izuku.

The decision was met with tears and nods of approval from those in attendance, who knew that Katsuki and Izuku had shared a deep and profound love. They had been inseparable in life, and it only made sense that they would spend eternity together.

So it was that Katsuki was laid to rest next to Izuku, their graves marked by simple headstones that bore their names and the dates of their births and deaths.

For Mitsuki and Masaru, it was a small comfort knowing that their son was at peace, and that he was reunited with the person he loved most in the world. They visited the grave often, leaving flowers and reminiscing about the good times they had shared with Katsuki.

And though Katsuki was gone, his memory lived on through the lives he had touched. His friends continued to honor his legacy, striving to be the kind of hero that Katsuki had always believed in.

In the end, Katsuki's death was a tragedy, but it was also a reminder of the importance of love, friendship, and perseverance. He may have been gone, but his spirit lived on, inspiring others to be their best selves and to never give up on their dreams.


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