Vampire Boyfriend Final Chapter

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Vampire Bakugou Katsuki
Human Midoriya Izuku
Chubby Female Midoriya Izuku


“S-so, w-where are we meeting them?” Izuku asked as she nervously squeezed Kacchan’s hand. It was warmer than usual, seeing as he had just fed earlier that day, and he gave her a squeeze back.

“Just at a random cafe,” he said, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. He adjusted the grip on his parasol as he looked down at her, sighing with a shake of his head. “You’re gonna be fine, Deku.”

“Wh-what if they d-don’t like me?” she asked, her green eyes wide in worry.

“That’s fuckin’ impossible,” he scoffed with a shake of his head. She whined nervously as she gnawed at her lower lip, her anxiety building up inside of her as tears pricked at her eyes. “Hey,” he called, drawing her attention, “it’s gonna be fine,” he said, his voice soft and reassuring. “They’re gonna love you, Deku. You’ll be okay.”

“Ah-mm, r-right,” she nodded, using her free hand to wipe away at her tears. She was glad she was wearing waterproof mascara, she had to since she had a penchant for crying. “S-so wh-what have you told them? A-about me?” she clarified.

“Just good things,” he chuckled. “They know that I like you, a lot. And that you’re fuckin’ adorable,” he cooed, causing her face to heat up in embarrassment.

“Kacchaaaaan,” she whined, puffing her cheeks up in a pout.

“You’re cute when you pout,” he chuckled as they continued on their way. “Ah, there they are,” he said, gesturing with their clasped hands to a group of four sitting at a table outside. “Oi!” he called out, drawing there attention.

“Bakubro!” a tall, burly man with long, shaggy red hair cried as he got up from his seat and ran over to them, arms outstretched. He wore an open red flannel, jean shorts, and was barefoot as he ran over to them.

“Shitty Hair, don’t you even-hrk!” Kacchan’s protests abruptly died as the red haired man lifted him off his feet, twirling around excitedly. As he spun around with her boyfriend in his arms, she noticed that the red head had fluffy red ears and a vigorously wagging tail. He must be one of the werewolves.

“C’mon, Kiri! Put’m down!” the woman of the group cried out as the other males laughed. The excited werewolf finally set the disgruntled vampire down, his mouth pulled into a wide, fangy smile while Kacchan pouted. His fangs were longer and looked much sturdier than Kacchan’s fangs, which were thin and hollow inside.

“Um, Kacchan,” Izuku pipped up, drawing the two males’ attention. “W-who’s this?”

“Ah! Hi! You must be Izuku!” the red head said, red eyes wide in glee as he took her hands in his and shaking them in greeting. “It’s so good to finally meet you! Bakugou talks about you all the time! I’m Kirishima!” he spoke quickly, the smile never leaving his face.

“Oi!” Kacchan protested, stepping between the two. “You’re gonna pull her damn arms off!”

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” Kirishima apologized, hunching submissively as his ears drooped sadly. “I-I just got so excited to meet you!” he said, looking like an excited puppy.

“It’s alright, damn shitty hair,” Kacchan scoffed, petting the top of his head, like he was a dog. “Just be careful with her, like Kami.”

“Right!” the werewolf nodded, his ears pricking up in delight. “Now c’mon! We all wanna get to know you better!” Kirishima said as he ran back over to the table, taking his seat between the woman and the black haired man. Izuku couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, amused and endeared by his actions.

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