Love Languages

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“Hey Dad?” Izuku grunted, slowly finishing his press before racking the bar. He sat up slowly, toweling the sweat off his face and neck before glancing over at the door. Kazumi was standing in the doorway with a furrowed brow that had Izuku raising his own. He knew that look, since he had the same one. Something had stumped his daughter and she couldn’t figure it out. He blindly reached for his water bottle while jerking his head to gesture her in. She slowly crept into the room, twirling one of her blonde curls around her finger as she chewed her lip. Izuku clicked his tongue to get her attention.

“What’s the matter, Princess?” He patted the bench next to him. It was unfortunately his off week, so he wasn’t working the same shifts as Katsuki.

“I… Ugh, okay,” Kazumi slumped against the bench and covered her eyes. “Dad, it's gunna sound stupid,”

“Nonsense,” Izuku chuckled, reaching over to pull her hands from her face. Green eyes identical to his own glanced at him skeptically. “I know that look hun, you’re thinking about Papa,” Kazumi blushed, averting her gaze and nodded. Izuku ruffled her hair playfully. “Well, what’s on your mind?”

Kazumi huffed, pushing her lips together as she narrowed her eyes on him for a moment. Izuku just remained quiet, letting her decide when to talk. After a few moments, Kazumi sighed and deflated. “I… Some of the kids at school called me spoiled because Papa still makes my bentos,” Izuku raised an eyebrow. Of all the things that could’ve come out of his daughter’s mouth…

“Alright… What do you think about Papa making your bentos?” It seemed like it would be best to gauge her opinion first before deciding how to deal with the kids.

“I… I like it. Papa makes nice bentos and they always taste good…”

“But?” He knew a ‘but’ when he heard it.

“But… Everyone else makes their own lunches at my age and I just… Why does Papa make my bentos? Why does Papa always have a snack ready for me or for me and my friends? He's always picking me up and dropping me off. He does my laundry and I only have to clean my room and any kitchen mess I make...” Kazumi kicked her foot out, scuffing her shoe on the rubber. Izuku silently noted to thank her for putting on proper shoes before coming into the gym while he pondered the best way to answer her question. He could see the way her anxiety was building in the way she began to fiddle with the hem of her sweatshirt and twirl a strand of her hair. Once she started chewing her lip, Izuku decided it was best to be honest. He tapped her chin to get her to release her abused lip and to look up at him.

“You know how I like to spoil Papa? Running baths for him, taking care of some of his chores, surprising him with dates or flowers or random merch he likes and showering him with compliments?” His daughter nodded as her brow furrowed. He smiled. “Or when I surprise you with flowers or a cleaned up room? Or when I take you to meet different heroes and let you come along to the agency on my desk duty days? Or when I turn around and shower you with praise and compliments?” She nodded again. “That’s part of my love language. It’s one of the many ways I express my love to both of you,”

“So… Papa is just expressing his love?” Izuku smiled and nodded.

“Yes Princess, that’s part of it. Papa’s love language is Acts of Service,” Izuku adjusted his position to gesture to the newly repaired pull up bar. “Last week, I popped the bar out of the wall when you fell in your room. It scared me and I ripped it out. I was going to repair it but just hadn’t gotten to it. Papa saw it and repaired it without me asking and without saying anything,” Izuku then pointed to his emerald curls. “Papa does my hair every day. Even when our schedules don’t line up, he takes the time to do it for me. It’s part of him expressing his love. He’s taking things off my plate, so to speak,”

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