Parental Instincts

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Shota Aizawa, the stern but fair teacher of Class 1A, was in the midst of a particularly engaging lecture on what it meant to be a hero. He was using a particularly vivid example of a rescue session gone awry, when suddenly, a blinding light filled the room.

As the light faded, there stood Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou, his boyfriend, both transformed into adorable, babbling babies.

The class, momentarily stunned into silence, began to buzz with confusion and disbelief. Aizawa, taken aback himself, cleared his throat and tiredly exclaimed, "I don't get paid enough for this"

Their classmates, equally perplexed, scrambled to take in the surreal scene before them. Some giggled, others gasped, and a few even dropped their jaws in shock.

Aizawa, regaining his composure, addressed the two tiny infants, "Izuku, Katsuki, are you two okay?"

Izuku, dressed in a frilly white onesie with a matching bonnet, cooed cutely and reached out for Aizawa with chubby arms. Katsuki, looking every bit as adorable in his blue onesie and a tiny pacifier clipped to his diaper, wailed loudly, making everyone in the room chuckle.

Aizawa knelt down to Izuku's level and gently took the baby into his arms. "There, there, Izuku. We'll take care of you." He then turned to Katsuki and offered the same comfort, cradling the little boy and patting his back soothingly.

The students of Class 1A looked on in fascination, some of them taking out their phones to snap photos or videos of the adorable scene. A few brave souls even approached Aizawa, offering to help take care of the babies.

"No, no, that's alright," Aizawa assured them, his stern expression melting away as he found himself unable to resist the irresistible charm of the two infants. "I've got this under control."

As he continued to soothe Izuku and Katsuki, the class settled into a comfortable silence, watching their teacher cradle the two babies with such tenderness. Some of the students even began to share stories about their own siblings or cousins who were babies, filling the air with anecdotes about adorable first steps, teething, and late-night feedings.

Aizawa, feeling a warmth spread through his chest at the sight of his students bonding over this unexpected situation, couldn't help but smile. He glanced down at Izuku, who was now sucking contentedly on his tiny fist, and then at Katsuki, who had fallen asleep with his thumb in his mouth. It was hard to believe that just moments ago, they had been arguing about who was the better hero.

The students continued to share their stories and memories, and Aizawa found himself lost in the conversation. He didn't want to interrupt their moment of camaraderie, but he knew he had to get back to teaching at some point. Finally, after what felt like hours, but was really only a few minutes, the bell rang for the next class.

With a sigh of relief, Aizawa stood up, cradling Izuku and Katsuki in his arms. "Alright everyone, that's enough for today. I think we've all learned a valuable lesson about the joys and responsibilities of taking care of little ones. Remember, treat them with love and respect, and you'll be well on your way to being a hero."

The students filed out of the classroom, some lingering for a few more moments to admire the adorable duo before finally leaving. Aizawa found himself alone with the two infants, wondering what he was going to do now. He couldn't very well continue with the lesson plan as usual, but he also couldn't just abandon them. With a deep breath, he decided to take them to the nurse's office for the time being.

The walk there was a bit more eventful than he had anticipated. Izuku, still in his frilly white onesie, kept trying to grab at everything in sight, giggling delightedly whenever he managed to make contact. Katsuki, on the other hand, was a bit more fussy, squirming in Aizawa's arms and letting out the occasional whimper.

When they finally arrived at the nurse's office, Aizawa was relieved to see that it was empty. He carefully placed the two babies on a nearby examination table and then began to search for someone who could help him. The nurse was out for the day, and none of the other teachers seemed to be around.

As he stood there, unsure of what to do next, Izuku and Katsuki, who had been watching him intently, reached out for him again. Aizawa couldn't resist and scooped the babies up into his arms, holding the two close. He rocked them gently, humming a soothing tune as he tried to calm Izuku and Katsuki down.

The nurse's office was surprisingly cozy, with soft blankets and toys scattered about. Aizawa sat down on a nearby stool, cradling the infants in his lap as he continued to rock them back and forth. He glanced around the room, noticing a small TV mounted on the wall. He turned it on to distract the babies, flipping through the channels until he found a cartoon show they seemed to enjoy.

As the bright colors and animated characters filled the room, Izuku and Katsuki's attention were drawn to the screen. They stopped fussing and began to watch intently, their tiny hands reaching out toward the TV. Aizawa couldn't help but smile at their reactions. He leaned in closer, wanting to get a better look at their little faces.

Their eyes were wide with wonder, their tiny noses scrunching up as they tried to comprehend the movement on the screen. It was a heartwarming sight, and Aizawa found himself lost in the moment, forgetting about the chaos that had ensued earlier. He gently stroked their heads, feeling the softness of their hair against his fingers.

As the cartoon show continued, Izuku and Katsuki began to relax even further, their breathing growing deeper and more rhythmic. Aizawa smiled, content to watch over them for as long as they needed. The nurse's office was surprisingly quiet, the only sounds coming from the TV and the occasional coo from the babies.

He couldn't help but think about how different they were from each other. Izuku was so bright and curious, always reaching out for new experiences. Katsuki, on the other hand, was a bit more guarded, but just as determined in his own way. They were both going to make wonderful heroes one day, Aizawa thought to himself, his heart swelling with pride.

As the cartoon show finally came to an end, Aizawa switched off the TV and gently laid the two infants back down on the examination table. They protested softly, but eventually settled down, their tiny bodies relaxing into the soft padding. He couldn't help but marvel at their resilience and strength, even at such a young age.

He stood up and stretched, his muscles protesting from the unfamiliar position of holding two infants. The nurse's office seemed to close in on him now that the babies were no longer in his arms. He glanced at the clock and realized that he was going to be late for his next class if he didn't leave soon.

With a sigh, Aizawa carefully lifted Izuku and Katsuki from the examination table, making sure not to jostle them too much. They both let out sleepy protests, but quickly settled back into their dozing positions as he cradled them in his arms. He made his way out of the nurse's office, his heart still filled with a strange sense of contentment and warmth.

As he walked down the hall, he couldn't help but smile at the memory of how different they were from each other. Izuku was so trusting and eager to explore, always reaching out for new experiences, while Katsuki was more reserved but just as determined. They were both going to make wonderful heroes one day, he was sure of it.

Aizawa paused outside the classroom, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of heroes they would become.

Would Izuku be a symbol of hope and compassion, always willing to lend a helping hand?

Or would Katsuki be more of a force of nature, using his strength and determination to protect those in need?

The possibilities were endless, and he couldn't wait to see them grow up and make their mark on the world.


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