In Your Arms Again Final Chapter

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Izuku and Katsuki are not childhood friends
Age difference


-Years Later-

"The government has now declared the end of lockdown for the whole country as of earlier today at 14:00 pm this Saturday..."

Izuku pried his eyes open, blinking at the blinding light and taking in the beautiful blue sky above him. He grunts as he pushed himself up from where he lay down and rubbing the sleep in his eyes. For some reason he feel elated. He feels like he's floating, like it's so light to the point he can't feel his own body but not that in a bad way.

When he finally got to open his eyes properly, he glanced around and gasp at the sight before him. He was in a garden like place with millions of dandelions surrounding him, colors white and yellow. The feathers of the said flower flying around and someare tickling his cheeks. He huffed out an amused laugh as he looked around at the beautiful scenery around him. The place feels like a dream.

"... after one week of police and other pros checking some other villains that had manage to escape and hide, the government stated that it is safe to say that the whole country was now free from the threats of the most dangerous villains..."

He raised his head to the sky, clouds scattered across the color light blue sea above him. The wind was not cold nor hot, it feels comforting and relaxing as he hummed at the feeling. He noticed the tree far beside him, the tree has the wonderful appearance he has ever seen. The tree leaves are colors of white, almost glittering through the light from the warm shining sun. It sways along the gushing wind and the strong wooden body and branch holding them together, standing proud and tall, was a dazzling color of dark brown.

He felt himself smile at the tree. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.He stood up and made his way to the said tree. It's shade was warm and the whistle of the leaves dancing from the blow of the wind was a music to his ears. He wouldn't get tired of lounging underneath the tree. He touched its body, feeling the calmness it brought to him as he didn't fight back the growing smile on his lips. It feels enchanted.

He was on his own world when a gruff familiar voice called his name. "Izuku..."

"To some other news, the pro heroes who participated in the war with villains was now on their way to recovery. A lot of pro heroes was injured and suffering severe wounds. They're now on the hospital, luckily getting treated by the doctors who claimed that their treatment will be free as a payment for saving the people from the villains..."

Izuku gasped as he whipped his head around and spotted the spike of blonde hair standing not so far from him. He still wears that familiar uniform of UA, still has his scowling red eyes pinned to him and a fond smirk grazing his lips. Izuku felt himself teared up as his smile wobbled a little.


"... though lot of them was severely injured, their are some others who manage to get only a minimum amount of injury. However, some other pros didn't survived and died from the war, including Symbol of Peace, hero Deku."

Izuku quickly made his way to the blonde, engulfing him in his arms as Kacchan gasped out at the sudden hug. He huffed out a laugh as Izuku tighten his grip on him as if afraid to let go, nuzzling to the soft blonde spikes as he felt him hugged back. He bask into the warmth coming from Kacchan and he can't stop the tears that are flowing down his cheeks.

Kacchan laughed amused as he took a glance at the greenette. "A lot of years has passed and yet you're still a freaking crybaby,"he mused and Izuku whined in reply, burying himself impossibly closer to the blonde. Kacchan smiled, he also felt his own tears but he stopped himself from releasing them. "I missed you, Izuku..."

Izuku's grip on Kacchan tighten. "I missed you too, so much Kacchan..."

"The war has taken a lot of damage to the city and families that are affected. Many lives has been taken including Hero Deku who has been comatose first before he finally died. Tomura Shigaraki, one of the villains Deku had fought, was now locked in the prison of Tartarus and authorities has not seen any sign of violence, attack or resistance in him as he was arrested by the police and the pros. All For One, however, died while battling with Deku. Report has it that the said villain has run out quirk before receiving a death blow from the Hero Deku."

They finally let go of each other after the tight gripped hug they shared. Izuku's was glistening with tears and he keeps on sniffling as he stared down at Kacchan who looked at him lovingly. He missed him so much to the point Izuku didn't have a lover all throughout the years. He has loved Kacchan deeply and he doubted that there's gonna be other people who could replace him in his heart.

"Kacchan, I-I missed you..."

Kacchan smirked. "I know, you told me earlier, nerd," he said then raked Izuku's whole being with a playful sneer. "Still a crybaby, huh? Big guy?"

Izuku huffed out a scoff and act offended though failed. "Can you not! You're ruining the moment, Kacchan!" He smiled a wobbly fond smile at the blonde, caressing his cheeks and Kacchan leaned into the touch of his warm palms. Izuku wiped the tears in his lashes that are threatening to fall and grazed his thumb into the warm pale smooth skin. "I can't believe you're here in front of me."

Kacchan also reached for his cheeks with both his hands, his thumbs doing a circle motion at the freckles. "I know, nerd. I also can't believe you're here..." he murmured reaching for Izuku's face to touch both their foreheads together. Ruby red orbs stared at the emerald green ones, taking in each other's sight. "I'm never leaving again, Izuku..."

"Currently, police are still looking for some other villains that got of their radar but they assured that the war was finally over and the threat of villains are too low and impossible. Hero Deku's burial are currently happening at the Musutafu Memorial Park and is open to all who wanted to come and visit the late hero. Pro heroes who's already here are Uravity, Ingenium, Shoto, Froppy and other high school classmates of the said late hero..."

Izuku smiled, another round of tears are pooling his eyes. "Really? We're gonna be together?"

Kacchan chuckled, pecking a kiss on Izuku's lip making the other gasp in surprise. He laughed at the reaction. "Of course nerd, we're gonna be together," he said lacing their hands together and Izuku leaned into his touch. "Forever, Izuku..."

"... the hero society, the government and other citizens of Japan are planning on making the late hero a statue. A symbol of a hero who brought peace to the whole country and defeated the villains like All Might did in his times."

Izuku smiled down at Kacchan, tear rolling down his freckled cheek and Kacchan wiped it away with his free hand. "C'mon, follow me, nerd."

Izuku squinted his eyes as Kacchan tugged him into somewhere, Izuku let the blonde pull him to where they were going. "Where are we going Kacchan?"

"To home, Izuku," Kacchan replied, looking back at him with a smirk. "What? You don't wanna come?"

Izuku returned his smirk, sniffling one more time as he tighten his grip on Kacchan's hand. "Of course I'll come."

"The Hero Deku will be remembered as the one who fought nail and tooth for peace and defeated the bad and evil. The Symbol of Heroism. From the news crew and us newscaster, reporters and journalists, condolences to the friends and loved ones of Hero Deku. This is your reporter for tonight..."


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