Senpai and Kouhai

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It’s that time of the year again when Izuku and his friends are hunted by a frenzied mob of girls and a couple of guys to give their chocolates.

Izuku barely makes it out alive as he slams the door close with a thud and slumps against it, sucking in lungfuls of air as tiredness rockets all over his body. Through the fringes of his hair, Izuku sees Katsuki sitting by the rooftop fence as the blond crosses his arms against his chest.

Katsuki’s glare is enough to tell Izuku that he is annoyed that Izuku is late.

“I-I’m sorry for being late, Kacchan. I couldn’t shake them off.”

Katsuki clicks his tongue when Izuku forces himself to stand so he can sit beside him.

“You should have just turned them down.”

“Kacchan should know how I feel. You, of all people, know that they don’t want an answer. They just want to give their chocolates.” Izuku remarks as he gestures at the paper bag full of chocolates beside the freshman.

Katsuki glares at the bag as if its existence is offending him. He never asked for chocolate in the first place. He is not even fond of sweet things, unlike Izuku who has a sweet tooth.

Plus the fact that Katsuki doesn’t even like girls.

“I didn’t accept theirs. This is Pinky’s fault. She collected their chocolates and promised to give them to me. I can’t even throw or give it away to Dunce Face because she always stops me.”

Izuku hums in understanding as he secretly glares at the letters and chocolates in it, considering those things lucky that Katsuki has given it the time of his day.

“I’ll throw it for you. These are too sweet for Kacchan anyway.”

Izuku pulls the paper bag to his side and gives him a wide smile. He will put these chocolates where they belong later. In the trash.

For now, Izuku is happy enough that Katsuki has no qualms about him taking it. Then again, it is the only way for Katsuki to get rid of the chocolates without Mina knowing. Still, Izuku is glad that he can help Katsuki in any way he can.

With Katsuki having zero chocolates again, Izuku decides now is the time to present his gift. He rummages through his blazer’s pockets and sighs in relief that it is still in good condition.

“Here. Kacchan can have this instead.”

Izuku takes Katsuki’s hand, pleased by how it fits perfectly in his huge hand, then puts the gift on Katsuki’s palm.

Katsuki’s ears tinge red at the sudden gesture that he quickly retrieves his hand back as though he is scorched yet the warmth of Izuku’s hand lingers on his skin.


Izuku thinks as he tries not to ruffle the blond spiky hair to tease him more. “Don’t worry. It’s not sweet.”

Katsuki huffs and closely inspects the small bag full of chocolates.

It’s handmade.

Katsuki gently smiles as he admires the uniquely shaped chocolates and their colorful wrappers, lightly caressing the messily tied red ribbon, very telling that it is Izuku who also tied it.


Katsuki’s voice is so soft that Izuku almost misses it but that single word is more than enough to make his day that Izuku mirrors his smile.

The tiredness and sleeplessness from those nights Izuku spent practicing with his mother, spilling and tasting chocolates until he makes the perfect one, are pushed into the back of his mind as he witnesses Katsuki’s tough exterior soften and melt, feeling the blond relax, almost leaning on him, exuding that tender radiance instead of the usual fierce determination.

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