The Life of A Hero

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"Hey, Deku," called Uraraka from the All Might themed duvet. "Wanna play twenty questions?"

Midoriya Izuku thought about it, shrugged, and agreed without looking up from his notes.

"Okay... what's your favorite color?" she asked, scrolling through the question generator on her phone.

"Mm... either crimson or scarlet," he replied. "What's your favorite thing to do on a weekend?"

"Pretty color choices," approved the ginger. "I gotta say hanging out with you, Tsu, or Iida-kun. You guys are the best!"

"Awww, thanks, Ochako," replied Izuku, looking up from his notebook to smile at his best friend.

"Do you have a crush?" asked said best friend. To his credit, Izuku neither got mad nor clammed up.

He carefully considered it, tilting his head to the side and tapping his lips with a pencil the way he always did. "I might," he said eventually, "but there's a possibility that it's just infatuation, because I've studied them for a really long time." He stretched, popping his back, and turned to face the girl on his bed. "Do you have a thing for Iida?"

Uraraka giggled."That obvious, huh?"

"You have no idea," Izuku replied amusedly.


Katsuki was, in his defense, just hungry. It was already quarter after eight and he was starving, so he'd decided to take his ass down the stairs to the kitchen for some food before bed.

As luck may have it, his walk took him right past Deku's room... and the door was slightly cracked. It sounded like he and Round Face were playing a game, laughing and giggling together. Katsuki felt an odd twinge in his stomach-- whether hunger or jealousy, he couldn't have said.

Against his better judgement, the blond leaned against the wall to listen in, unseen.


Izuku hadn't expected the game to get so dirty so quickly. "Alright," he said through his snickers, "Tenth question. Fuck, Marry, Kill: Tsuyu, Kirishima, Iida."

"Oh my god," laughed Uraraka. It took her a minute to recover from her giggles enough to answer the question. "Well, obviously I'd marry Iida," she decided, "and I couldn't kill Tsu so... so I guess I'd have to fuck her, and then that leaves Kirishima-kun six feet under!" By the end of this proclamation, she was in stitches.

Out in the hallway, Katsuki was seriously debating whether he should record this in case the nerd swore again. He hadn't even thought he knew how.

Uraraka gasped for air, laughter finally subsiding. "Oh, okay," she panted. "My turn. What turns you on to the absolute MAX?"

Izuku didn't hesitate. "Explosions," he replied immediately. "Explosions and confidence."


Katsuki clapped a hand over his lower face, instinctually trying to hide the blush and stop the nosebleed. Oh, fuck fuck fuck, that was hot.


"Alright, what's your weirdest kink?" asked Izuku, cocking his head.

"Gotta be..." she had to think about it. "Ooh, like a Master-Servant thing? Or a Daddy kink? I definitely think that's hot. What about you?"


"Oh," she said. "Sorry. I meant that, since he's obviously the guy you're so obsessed with, what do you want Bakugou to do to you?"

Izuku let out an inhuman squawk, covering his face to stifle his embarrassed laughter. At last, he recovered enough to sit up straight again and remove his hands.

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