🍋Possessive Love🍋

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Alpha Bakugou Katsuki
Enigma Midoriya Izuku


Katsuki Bakugou, the Alpha heir to one of the most powerful packs in the world, was unlike any other Alpha most people had met. He was shy, insecure, and didn't seem to exude the same dominance and confidence that usually came with being an Alpha. It was no wonder that people often questioned his fitness to lead. But to Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki was perfect just the way he was.

Izuku, on the other hand, was an Enigma. He was fiercely protective of Katsuki and seemed to possess him in a way that was both possessive and adoring. He was possessive to the point of being a yandere, where if anyone hurt Katsuki, he would fly into a rage and become unstoppable until someone dies. And Katsuki loved him for it.

Their relationship was unique, to say the least. They balanced each other out perfectly; Katsuki's shyness and insecurity were offset by Izuku's unwavering support and protectiveness, while Izuku's possessiveness was met with Katsuki's quiet appreciation and affection. It was a match made in heaven, or at least in the world of omegaverse.

As they continued their training at UA, their bond only grew stronger. Izuku's possessive nature sometimes made itself known in subtle ways, like the possessive glint in his eye when he saw Katsuki talking to another Alpha, Omega, Beta or the possessive touch of his hand on Katsuki's shoulder when they walked together. And Katsuki, for his part, never shied away from showing his affection for Izuku, whether it was through a quick squeeze of his hand or a small peck on his cheek.

Their dynamic was a fascinating one to observe, and it wasn't lost on their classmates. Some admired their unique relationship, while others were envious of the connection they shared. There were those who didn't understand it, and there were even those who mocked them. But Izuku and Katsuki didn't let the opinions of others get to them, well......maybe some of them..... weren't so lucky to escape from Izuku's 'Yandere Mode'.

Anyways, they were content in the knowledge that they had found something special with each other.

One day, during a particularly intense sparring session, Katsuki accidentally made contact with Izuku's sensitive areas. The touch sent a shockwave of pleasure through Izuku's body, and his eyes glazed over. He let out a low growl, his fangs elongating as he struggled to maintain control. Katsuki's face flushed red in embarrassment, but he couldn't help the slight smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. He knew that this was one of those moments where Izuku's possessiveness would come to the forefront, and he found himself looking forward to seeing just how far it would go.

As if in response to Katsuki's unspoken wish, Izuku lunged forward, pinning Katsuki to the ground. His breath was hot on Katsuki's neck, and his eyes were filled with a possessive fire.

"Mine," he growled, his voice rough and demanding. "You're mine, Kacchan."

Katsuki shuddered at the possessive nickname, his heart racing in both fear and arousal. He wanted nothing more than to submit to Izuku in that moment, to give himself over to the feeling of being claimed and owned.

The rest of the class watched in awe as the two former rivals engaged in a heated embrace. Their bond was palpable, their connection undeniable. Even as they struggled, their bodies moving in a dance of dominance and submission, there was a tenderness to their touch that spoke of something deeper than just the physical.

Izuku's possessiveness was a force to be reckoned with, and Katsuki found himself surrendering to it more and more. He knew that he could trust Izuku with his life, and in that moment, he was willing to give him anything he wanted. Their bodies entwined, their hearts racing, they moved together as one, lost in the heat of the moment.

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