Chapter 78 - Secret

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  The emperor didn't even have time to comb his hair. He rushed to Xuandemen under the escort of Ning Zizuo and Yu Xinyi, and what he heard was Cui An's words.

  "It's the opposite! It's all the opposite!"

  The emperor's eyes widened and he was so angry that he kept choking.

  A close servant whom he entrusted with important responsibilities. It turned out to be the remnant of the enemy general who lurked in the palace!

  If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and heard it with his ears, he might still have been kept in the dark!

  Cui An narrowed his eyes.

  Only then did he understand that Yu Huanchen was deliberately delaying the conversation so that the emperor could understand who was the real traitor who "connected with the enemy inside and outside."

  "I am not unjust when I am defeated in your hands.

   Cui An raised his hands and took a step back until his back was against the railing of the palace wall, then stepped up. Before

  Yu Huanchen had time to stop him

  , Cui An had already jumped off the tower on his back.

  He quickly adjusted his body and climbed onto the interlaced light ropes. Buffered by the force of the rope, he rolled to the ground. Then he killed two forbidden soldiers who had no time to react and was immediately taken away by his long-awaited accomplices, and blended into the fleeing crowd under the cover of night.

  Yu Huanchen slapped the railing heavily, With his brows furrowed,

  Yu Xinyi asked Ning Zizuo to settle down with the emperor, then stepped forward and said: "We have already been chased, we can't run away. "

  That's not what Yu Huanchen was thinking about. Even if he didn't take action, King Jing's people would never let Cui An go.

  He just

  didn't expect that Cui An would be implementing his revenge plan from so early on.

  If it hadn't been last year By chance, he got seriously ill and missed the Northern Expedition. He didn't know what was waiting for the Yu family.

  I'll teach you how to set up the reading page, come and take a look!


  Ning Yin's people moved quickly and returned to Jiangyin. When he arrived at the palace, Yao Lang, whose face was half ruined, was already waiting in the court.

  There were no brightly colored lanterns in Prince Jing's palace, and the only bright color was the pairs of staggered floor-to-ceiling flower candlesticks in the palace.

  The Yao Lang was well prepared, and he felt his pulse After understanding Ning Yin's symptoms, he lazily said: "Although this poison is dangerous, due to the special nature of the drug, if you inhale too muh, it is not fatal for the time being. "

  The medicine man took out two black pills and handed them to Ning Yin.

  The medicine was extremely painful at first glance. Yu Lingxi was about to pour water for him to take, but Ning Yin pinched the two pills and put them in his mouth. He chewed the pill carefully and swallowedid not dare totter that it ached at the back of his tongue, but he enjoyed it as if he were tasting some dlicacies.

  After taking the pill, which was about the size of a cup of tea, Ning Yin raised his hand to his lips and coughed it out without changing his expression. A mouthful of blood came out, and a wisp of bright red oozed from the end of his nose.

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