"Why are you so worked up?" Bae smirks, looking at IRyS out of the corner of her eye.

"...It'll be over after this, right? I want it to end, so... let's do it, please."

"...Wow, alright. Fine, let's do it."

"This is it, right? No more chasing?" Sana asks, hoping that she's right.

"Yes, it is."

"...O-Okay, good..." Sana's heart rate speeds up as she imagines spending time together with everyone else.

"Alright! Let's do it, chumbuds!" Gura raises a fist, grinning with sparkling shark teeth.

"First, we'll go to Riqueza. I need something from there. Sana, can you open a portal for us. Do you know where Riqueza is?"

"...Umm, yeah, I do... alright..." Sana closes her eyes, concentrating as she searches for it. She snaps her fingers and a large, gaping portal appears behind her.

"...This'll be fun~" Bae comments as they all step in together, with Envy leading the way.

They're yet again sorrounded by the dimly lit interior of the cavern. There's no one around, only the echoes of their footsteps can be heard...

Envy's sword slowly raises itself off the ground, reaching out towards him with arcs of energy as he stretches his hand out to it.

In the blink of an eye, the sword blitzes to its position behind him, floating upright.

Envy approaches the large, charcoal-coloured double door at the end of the cavern, where Vulcan had been working, pushing it open to reveal a dome-shaped workshop as his sword, having been reconnected with him, trails behind.

The interior is lined with worktables, anvils of black metal, furnaces spilling molten, glowing orange liquids into casts on the workbenches.

Envy takes a look around, spreading electricity around the perimeter to feel the shape of the casts.

The girls wander around the workshop, exploring its interior.

"...Woah, this place is crazy..." Amelia says, looking around curiously at a pile of metals and rocks waiting to be used laying in a corner of the room.

"...Crazy hot..." Gura comments, sighing as she fans herself off.

"...Here..." Envy says, picking up a simple, ivory-coloured handle and guard.

"What's that?" Kiara hums, looking curiously as she meets eyes with Envy.

"...A weapon, that I need to forge."

He holds it tightly in his hand, walking to the center of the workshop where an anvil lays in wait.

"...Oh. Well, thanks for the detailed explanation." Kiara sarcastically says, grumbling.

He stares at the blank, white blade just like his own on the black surface before picking it up in the other hand.

Envy then approaches the other end of the workshop where a large, blackstone furnace fills the space, opening the hatch.

"...Phew..." He breathes in, and plunges his hands together with the components into the furnace.

"Woah, woah! Hey!" Kiara rushes to his side, trying to pull his arms out.

"...Agh... haah..." Envy breathes in and out heavily, gritting his teeth to handle the pain.

The others are attracted by the sudden distress in Kiara's voice, seeing Envy with his arms in the heat of the furnace.

"Envy, what the hell?!" Calliope suddenly pulls him back by the elbow, dragging his arms out of it.

"...What...?" Envy turns to her, seemingly confused.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Calliope gets up in his face, scowling furiously.

"...What do you think?" Envy frowns, more surprised by their reactions.

"Oh, I dunno, frying your hands?!"

"Look at them!" Kiara adds, resting her hands on his arms.

"...It's fine. They'll heal." Envy looks down at his charred hands, unable to ball his fist at all.

"Sure, they will! But that doesn't mean that you should hurt yourself!" Kiara tightens her hold on his arms, and slowly but surely, fire encompasses them, prompting Envy to look down in slight surprise.

The burned, dark flesh slowly starts to reform, exposed muscle being put together again as he starts to flex his muscles, interested by her ability to regenerate him.

"...My regeneration is painful, but... I don't feel anything." He inspects his arms, holding them at eye-level.

"Ugh, whatever! Here, I'll help you!" Kiara grabs the two parts, jamming her arms into the furnace herself and closing her eyes to concentrate.

Her hair crackles with fire, coming to life with sparks as a current blows it up into the air, wildly shifting, even blocking her sight.

Without warning, the inside of the structure starts to flare up with heat, shining with a brighter light than until now.

"...Interesting..." Envy comments as he feels the heat on his skin.

Fire blasts out all around Kiara, lashing out like tentacles of destruction, trying to sear anyone near.

"...Phew, there we go..." Kiara pulls her arms out of the furnace, showing off the completed sword and bringing it to Envy.

"See? How's that?" Kiara says, smirking.

"...Thank you, and good job." Envy nods blankly, taking the weapon with his now-healed arms.

"...Huh. That actually feels pretty... nice." Kiara shrugs, surprised by the simple fact that he said thanks.

He lets go of the blade, and it starts to float too, sitting idly in the air on the opposite side of his body, contrasting his black sword.

"...Alright, now, we just need to fight her."

The Consequences Of Envy (Hololive Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now