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It was dinnertime and I was starving. I sat by Kai and things felt normal again. I was putting Blink behind me, for now. I held Kai's cup and he filled my plate. We switched. I started eating. I knew there were stares. I ignored them. I felt better because Kai was touching my leg and I loved the contact. I needed it as I closed my eyes.

"I have to watch you every time!" Alex said from nowhere.

"What?" I looked up, confused.

"You have a thing and I have to watch it every time. You hold Kai's cup and he fills your plate, then you switch. It happens at every meal. I always have to watch!" Alex enlightened us.

"It's sweet!" Leah added. Several others agreed.

"Oh, I didn't even notice." I didn't either.

"I did. I love it." Kai confessed.

"So, is everything better? Did you get things figured out?" Alex asked. He wanted to pry because they looked better.

"Yes. We did... mostly. We're better. Sorry for freaking out earlier!" I felt bad. "Sorry, Tia."

"I understand, Gibbs. You look better!" Tia smiled. I knew she was suggesting something. She had no idea. Kai smiled and took a drink. Alex chuckled and started eating. More stares.

"I owe everyone some sort of explanation, huh?" Kai looked at Alex.

"Something! Yes!" Alex rolled his eyes and chuckled. The pack still didn't know what was happening with us.

"Look. I know this is weird. We are weird and it's not going to change so get over it!" Kai snapped.

"Be nice." I lectured as I looked into his eyes.

Kai smiled at me.


3rd POV:

Leah almost melted just watching those two. The way they looked at each other. It was sweet and dangerous. She knew that Kai was dangerous but she suspected that Gibbs could be too.

"Sorry." Kai smiled at me and then looked around the room. "We are linked... Gibbs and I. There is a vampire word for it that means mated. Matched. It's permanent and it will only get worse." Kai paused and looked around. He could hear the questions starting to form. "Don't ask any questions because I don't know. I thought it was a folklore, a children's story. I thought it was something that vampires made up like happily ever after. I never believed it was real and I don't have any more information on the matter."

I took over the explanation. "Basically, we are most happy and comfortable beside each other, touching even. I hate being in a separate room from him. I think being miles apart might kill us." I smiled at the shocked faces. "Right. Well, there you go. I could listen to him talk forever and never get bored. We talk for hours about nothing. We just stare. That will happen a lot. You'll have to deal with that."

"Hey, now who needs to be nice!" Kai teased. I looked at him and shook my head. He didn't move. "I would die for him." His eyes glowed.

I stared at him, caught in his gaze. "I hope you don't have to!" I smiled.

Kai glared at me.

I laughed. "Right. I would die for him too." I tried to sound casual.

Kai laughed. "You are awful!" I forgot that other people were in the room as Kai kissed me. He was wrapped around me and I was ready to throw him to the floor. How did that keep happening?

"Kai! We are in the dining room!" Alex laughed. Kai was wrapped around Gibbs. This was going to get awkward. "Kai! Gibbs!"

"Sorry, Alex. Sir." Kai said as h slowly let go and straightened. He looked like a vampire. I laughed while others looked shocked. Leah stared in shock. Kai was out of control. "Sorry." He cleared his throat. "That keeps happening!"

I smiled and kissed my vampire. I knew that people were going to be shocked to see that also. Kai looked more normal again. I hate that he put his fangs away. I knew that he felt better with them out.

Tia laughed. I am relieved that they were working things out. Kai looked happy. I love that.

Kai looked at her and smiled as he caught her thought. "Thanks Tia. And sorry. I didn't mean to hear that."

She nodded.


I am a jerk because I did it again! I hope you enjoy the story!

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