It's About Me Again!

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Alex called a meeting after lunch. We were all sitting at the table waiting for the meeting to begin. We were planning. Wayne arrived in the middle of the night. He got the information about Will and Richard. He laughed too. Alex was the only one upset. I was still thrilled that mess yesterday wasn't about me.

I grabbed a snack and Kai was drinking out of his cup. I was comfortable again. The meeting was about to begin and Kai froze. "Shit!"

I looked around "What?"

"Blink." Kai looked at Alex.

I groaned and looked at the ceiling. Oh no. Now, it was about me again!

Alex realized that he should have mentioned Blink to the pack. Oops. Alex left with Kai to greet Blink, the Faerie King. Blink was at the door. He looked royal. "Your Majesty."

"Alex, you look good." Blink shook his hand.

"You as well. Come in. Meet everyone. We are about to begin planning. You are right on time." Alex smiled. He knew that the Faerie king was never late or uninvited. He missed Blink also.

"Kai." Blink missed his friend.

"Blink." Kai missed his friend. He's going to marry his friend's son. He was still weirded out. Blink was sad and knew that Kai would never be the same.

Alex thought this was ridiculous. These two kings needed to work things out. They were both so stubborn.

I sat there waiting. This was going to be bad. The wolves were whispering about Blink and I noticed that the vampires were joining in on the conversation. They all knew about Blink.

And then he walked in. I flinched. Everyone else gasped and cheered. They actually clapped. I covered my face. Great. He was a rock star here.

Wayne shook Blink's hand and half hugged him. "Your Majesty. It is a relief that you're here." Wayne smiled a warm smile. "Great to see you!"

"Yes, Wayne. Wonderful to see you. I missed you!" Blink smiled. "I should apologize for my disappearance."

Wave stood and hugged Blink. "Great to see you, Your Majesty!"

Blink agreed. "It's been too long, Wave. Sorry about that but it was unavoidable. I hope you can forgive me." It sounded like he was implying that Kai wouldn't forgive him so he hoped that Wave could.

"Nothing to forgive." Wave promised and hugged him again.

Alex introduced everyone. "You already know Gibbs." Alex was casual about that.

I made a face because everyone was staring at me again. I wanted to scream. I wanted this to be about anyone else.

My dad, Blink, was taller and looked a lot younger. He had dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes. They were more stormy than mine, with a little gray in them. He didn't have wrinkles and looked twenty-five and not sixty-five. He was dressed in royal clothes, I was guessing. They were different shades of green. "So, Blink. You look good. Magic?" I was guessing.

"Yes." He watched me. I had no idea what he was thinking. He probably thought I was angry with him. "I had to look old or people would begin to wonder." Ban would have found him like that. People would have noticed if he never got old. He was on that farm for fifty-five years. He didn't need rumors flying around. Ban had spies.

"I was joking but of course it's magic!" I was freaking out.

"You should address him as Sir or Your Majesty." Tia instructed. She wondered where they had met. How did Gibbs know Blink? He was the Faerie King. That didn't make sense. Where could they have met? Gibbs didn't run in supernatural circles and everyone thought Blink was dead years ago and Gibbs just got here.

"That is never going to happen!" I promised. "You all know him?"

Everyone nodded and Tia answered. "Oh yes! There are countless stories about what happened to Blink, the Faerie King." Tia smiled at me. She couldn't believe that he was standing here in the dining room.

"Was one of them that he bought a farm, married a human and had a child?" I asked. I looked at my dad. He gave a half smile.

"No. But one was that he was hiding with humans!" Juan sounded excited.

"Close!" I smiled and looked at my dad. "Why are you.." I started to ask why he was here. I knew he was fighting. I walked over to him. "Well, you look different. I know they are glad you are here but can we keep everything under wraps?"

Blink smiled. "That may be tough to do!"

I looked at Kai. He had a weird expression.

Blink smiled at me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded "Yes. I am getting there. It took a couple of days to process that information. You should have told me a long time ago. I could have helped you. Maybe when this is over we can fight for your land and your people?"

"Maybe. Does this mean you are talking to me then?" My dad looked hopeful. I nodded. "I want to worry about this battle first. I heard rumors after you left. I am worried and want to help." Blink sighed. He missed fighting and he brought an arsenal. He was thrilled that he might get to fight with his son.

"Right. I love you. Can we discuss this later? This is embarrassing." I knew everyone was listening.

"Trust me, we are safe." Blink smiled.

I had a bad feeling again. "I am being weird again, right?" I asked.

"You are speaking Fey. It is the language we speak. When we are around other Faeries, that is what we speak." He warned me.

"Great! So, none of this is English. Sure. I could have guessed that. I may need a couple more days." My dad nodded and laughed. He pulled me in for a hug. I chuckled. I couldn't help it. This was ridiculous. I pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes. "We are going to war and I want this resolved before the war. We are going to need you, I think." I knew we would. "This is going to take everyone."

Blink nodded. It was wonderful to have him here.

"Are we all good?" Kai asked, kind of worried.

Blink smiled. "Almost. Soon."

"So, Blink is Gibbs's dad." Alex announced, nonchalant.

"Pay back for the other thing, huh?" I guessed. Alex was enjoying this moment like I enjoyed the moment he found out that Richard was dating Will.

Alex laughed.

"They need to know." Kai explained. "Also you were just speaking Fey. Pretty sure they were already there."

"I know." I whispered and sat down. I kind of plopped in the chair. "Yes. He is my dad. Leave me alone. No questions. I don't know anything!"

Kai sat beside me and laughed. "You sound like me!"

Alex laughed. "I know. I was calling him Kai before you arrived."

I glared at them both and they laughed more. "Don't we have something to do right now?"

Kai laughed and Alex nodded. "Right....Well, you heard Kai, let's get this meeting started." He laughed. Well, everyone enjoyed that comment. I growled and there was more laughter.

Blink joined the table as things began to calm down. He sat on Alex's left side close to Kia. To my surprise, my dad, Blink, the Faerie King, was awesome at planning for war.


Everyone sat, riveted. We had Dracula, the Faerie King, an Alpha, Wayne, also an alpha of sorts, Wave, who is Dracula's brother and Sharon and they were geniuses. I actually had fun watching them plan. It was very star studded.

They had calls to make and video chats to do. The other packs and covens were working together. Everyone. We had two packs and three covens. There was another pack but they were farther away. They were making plans to travel. So, possibly three packs and three covens. Vince should have known not to mess with crazy people. I was hoping to see a tree sprite or something.

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