Penny's Education

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It was a full moon night and Wayne was helping Penny through it. She was still sure this wasn't real but she would believe Wayne. She wasn't sure why but she trusted him. Penny sat by Wayne at dinner and he explained about the meal as it was being brought in. They brought her some sandwiches and I was relieved. I knew she wouldn't appreciate raw steaks.

Penny just stared as the silver trays were set out. There were raw steaks on them. I devoured seven steaks. I was starving. I could feel Jax's excitement. He was ready to run and hunt.

Penny felt sick when she watched her son eating raw meat.

People were actually eating that!

Wayne held her hand and smiled. He reassured her that this was okay. Penny wasn't sure about that. There were some people that weren't eating, including Wayne and Kai. She already was told Kai was a vampire. She had seen that for herself. She was still sure that vampires and werewolves weren't real.

Penny watched people slowly leave the room. She was sitting beside Leah, Alex's wife, because she seemed normal. Although, she did eat the raw steak also. Penny studied her and Leah looked normal. Leah stood up with Alex and walked out into the backyard without a word.

Gibbs and Kai stood and walked out also. Wayne pulled Penny out of her chair, gently.

"Come on, you will want to see this!" Wayne promised.

"See what?" Penny was scared or nervous. She knew something weird was happening and her mind went to some weird cult.

"Come." Wayne took her hand and they walked outside. There were people getting undressed and Penny gasped and covered her face.

Alex laughed. "Another prude!" He was naked and he smiled.

Wayne chucked.

"I heard that!" I teased. I was facing the shed. I was trying to be polite. "You people are crazy!" I laughed at my alpha.

"Come on, Gibbs. We have already been naked together!" Alex pointed out.

I blushed. "Shut up. That sounds terrible. I am waiting. Just go."

"Penny. You will want to watch this." Alex promised. He couldn't wait much longer.

Penny's face was still covered. "Penny, it's okay." Leah spoke softly. "Please. This is something you have to see to believe."

Penny slowly uncovered her face because she trusted Leah. "Why are you naked?" Alex and Leah were both naked in the yard. Penny wasn't into nudity. What was going on?

"It's easier to change without clothes." Leah assured her. "This isn't a big thing for us. Just stay calm." Leah nodded. Penny watched Leah turn into a pretty blonde wolf and Alex shifted beside her. He was a large white werewolf. Penny just stared.

"Just breathe, Penny. It's okay." Wayne promised and wrapped an arm around her, mostly to hold her up. Penny just nodded. She watched the two werewolves run off over the hedges. Gibbs was standing beside Kai. He had finally turned around.



I stood by Kai. He looked like a vampire with his iridescent green eyes and sharp teeth. I guess we were throwing my mom into this mess. I smiled and let myself shift. I didn't take my clothes off but they were shredded when I was done. My mom just stared at me. My werewolf stood by my vampire, as it were. Jax was ready to run. We waited until all of the wolves were off running somewhere.

Wayne walked up with Penny. "It's fine, Penny." Wayne reassured her. "This is Gibbs, in werewolf form. I know he looks scary but he won't hurt you."

My mom looked at me. Stared. She looked at Kai and then back to me. I waved just a little and that unnerved her and she stopped walking.

Oops, I'll stay still.

Kai touched my fur and Wayne helped Penny. She slowly smiled when her hand touched me. I bumped her gently with my head.

"Gibbs?" My mom whispered to me.

I nodded.

I'm fine. I need to run soon but we will be back at sunrise and we can talk.

I waited for Kai to translate for me. Penny just nodded. She had no idea how Kai knew what I was thinking. But she finally understood that this was a werewolf.

Penny watched the werewolf that was her son and Kai, a vampire, jump over a very tall hedge and they were gone.

"Don't worry, they are safe. We will see them soon." Wayne assured her. Wayne spent the night sitting outside with Penny watching the stars.

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