Witch's Brew

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They planned for a war and Kai joined but he stayed silent and separate. He didn't talk to Alex. Alex didn't talk to Kai. Stubborn men. Blink and Wayne pulled me aside. They were teaming up. Wayne had just got back and he was tired of Alex and Kai already.

"What is going on?" Blink asked me. "What did you do now?"

"Nope, not me! Kai and Alex have some things to work out." It was my explanation. "I can't say anymore."

Wayne grabbed Kai by his arm and pushed him inside Alex's office and closed the door. I guessed they were working it out the hard way.

"You are going to work this out or I will pummel you both!" Wayne warned. He would too.

"Get out. I'm not ready to talk to him." Alex demanded. He was hurt and he didn't want to look at Kai.

"Kai?" Wayne was trying to mediate. He may need help.

"What? I'm so.." Kai stopped. There was nothing he could say that could fix this mistake. He had no idea where to begin. He didn't know how to fix this relationship.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me!" Alex whispered.

"I know." Kai whispered back. "I can't talk about it."

I was pacing outside. I knew the only thing to fix this. Alcohol. I knocked. Wayne opened the door. I could see the hurt from the door. I marched to the bar and made a very strong drink, two of them and handed them to the guys.

"Drink fast."

Kai smelled it and made a face. He downed it anyway. Alex followed. I poured three more. They drank them rapidly. They were starting to relax. I had them drink six more. They weren't tasty but they worked and I figured they didn't drink a lot so their tolerance was low. I left them to Wayne. He laughed when I left.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I should have trusted you!" Kai slurred. He hadn't been drunk as a vampire and he had never tried either.

Wayne was surprised that Gibbs could get these men drunk. He was impressed.

"I know, Kai. You are a stubborn ass. You should have trusted me. I'm your brother and I love you. Trust me sometimes." Alex slurred back. He wasn't positive he could stand up. "What did Gibbs give us?" Alex asked and laughed.

"I don't know. Some kind of witch drink!" Kai joked and laughed. Alex laughed with him. They were feeling good.

I walked back in with some blood and coffee. I figured they would need it. Wayne just chuckled and watched.

"So, Kai, you should start telling your brother, Alex, more. Open up. Right?" I asked. They were children.

"Yes. I know. I will try harder, Alex, I promise." He should start right now and say everything while he could. Kai straightened in his chair and thought about Will. His son. He loved that kid and nothing could ever change that. Will was his son as soon as Kai picked him out of the dumpster.

"I was going to return Will to a hospital or something but I looked at him and held him. It was my only chance to have a child ever again. I was in love. I loved him like my own at that moment. I just felt like he was mine, you know." Kai was feeling pretty good.

"I turned him because I'm selfish and couldn't stand to watch him grow old someday. I couldn't lose him. Ever. I wasn't strong enough for that." Kai whispered that last part.

"Hey, I understand." I handed Alex some black coffee as he replied to Kai. He sipped it. "I just wish you told me. I feel that you don't trust me. It hurts sometimes." Alex started laughing. "Hey, Gibbs. What is in this witch juice?"

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