Tia's Room Again

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Tia finally dragged me off to her room and closed the door. I missed her and I just realized that I really missed her.

"You have to tell me when you leave from now on!" Tia demanded as she sat in a cushioned chair.

"I am so sorry! I didn't know I was leaving and didn't even think about it. I will from now on, Tia. I promise. I didn't mean to hurt you!" I was so sorry.

"I know. I went to your room and you were gone. I asked Alex at dinner." Tia sighed and adjusted in her chair. I was learning that rules were different for wolves and I was ignorant of them.

"Werewolves rely on each other for comfort. I hadn't realized that I was relying on your scent. It began to fade after day two and I was getting worried." Tia sighed. "I know it's silly but I missed you."

"I'm new at all of this and I'm sorry I messed up. I haven't had a friend in a long time. I will try harder." I finally sat down. "So, do you think everyone is okay with me? I keep having nightmares about being kicked out of the house." Kicked out of the pack.

Tia laughed. "Sorry. They love you. Hell, my brothers would throw a fit if someone kicked you out of the house. They have a huge crush. Don't tell Kai. I don't want him to kill them!"

I blushed.

"Whatever you were doing in the yard, probably sealed the deal with you being in this pack, Gibbs. That was incredible. I have never seen a wolf do any of the stuff you did. No one can do that arm thing that you did. May I see it?" Tia was dying to see it up close.

"Uh, are you sure? I don't want to scare you." I was unsure about everything.

"Positive. You don't scare me. I'm your Beta anyway. You couldn't hurt me." Tia assured me.

"Uh, okay. I don't understand that but okay." I closed my eyes and thought about the wolf. I could feel the shift. It was getting easier. I opened my eyes.

"That is amazing!" Tia smiled and touched my wolf arm. "Pretty. You are like a wolf boy. Nice."

"I prefer wolf man!" I laughed and the wolf arm was gone.

We talked for a while about her wedding plans and we walked to the dining room for dinner. I knew Kai would find me there. It was nice to have a girlfriend and she accepted me with all of my weirdness. And she was right, I missed her a ton over the weekend.

We all met at the dinner table. I was starving. I sat by Kai and he had his big gulp. He took my plate and filled it and I held his drink so it didn't get knocked over. We traded.

"Wow." Alex stated and said nothing more. I didn't ask.

"Hey, I know this is weird but as soon as we figure things out we will let you know!" Kai snapped. Alex laughed. Most everyone stared. I sighed. Kai looked at me. "Eat!"

I smiled and obeyed. I didn't say a word throughout dinner. Small talk finally broke the silence. I put my fork down.

"Done?" Kai whispered. I nodded. He grabbed me into his arms and ran to his room. My laugh echoed in the dining room. Alex just laughed and took Leah's hand.

I was in Kai's room being attacked by a vampire. I enjoyed it thoroughly. "Hey, we made it to the bed. Took me two tries this time but we made it!" Kai pointed out. I laughed. My clothes were shredded somewhere on the floor. I laid in his arms and fell asleep. 

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