A Poker Game

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I was sitting in the waiting room. It was quiet and much different than the other house, people were everywhere there. I was starting to feel lonely which was weird. Before I died, I loved being alone. I even lived alone. Now, I had no desire to be alone.

I realized that my life was split into two. Before I died and after. Human and werewolf.

A group of people walked by and stopped which broke my random thoughts.

Oh, no. I was nervous as they stared at me like I was a logic puzzle. Two people were suddenly standing in front of me. I didn't jump because Kai did that all the time.

"You are?" The girl asked and looked confused.

"Gibbs. You are?" I echoed.

She laughed. "Rachelle. This is Wave." He had a very serious Kai expression. Brother? Rachelle had strawberry blonde hair that was wild and curly and Wave had dark hair that's wavy and had pretty green eyes. I was guessing he was the same height as Kai.

I stood up. "Hi. Wave? Interesting name?"

"Thanks, I picked it out myself." He glared like he was daring me to make fun of his name.

I smiled at him. "Really! I love your name. It's fantastic. Mine is Gibbs. It's weird. I met a girl once. Her whole family, their last name was Gibbs. I love your name. It's original."

"Do you play poker?" Wave asked. He sounded like he was trying to decide whether he liked me or not. Maybe he didn't want me to join them?

"Not well, it's been a long time." I figured I would just sit here and wait for Kai. I didn't know how long it would take. I knew he was talking to the other coven. There was a lot of information to go over.

"Good! You can sit by me." Rachelle took my arm and dragged me with her. I looked at the office door. "Don't worry, Gibbs. Kai will find you. You're safe here.. we won't hurt you."

Like I had a choice. We were in the living room with a big fireplace. Dracula's living room. It was big and cozy. I kept going over that in my head. Was my boyfriend Dracula? That question was on repeat. I wasn't solving that question so back to this current situation.

There were a couple of people in here sitting at a coffee table. One of them had cards that he was shuffling.

"If you are going to kill me just give me some notice. I like to be prepared." I tried to sound bored and not scared.

"Kai's?" The one holding cards asked.

"Yes. Gibbs, that is Will. He's the dealer. Sharon is the blonde, Wave and myself. Sig is.." Rachelle was talking again. She was introducing everyone.

"I'm the muscle." Sig made a big muscle. "No one will hurt you. Kai would have our teeth." His smile was genuine.

"Not sure I'm worth that kind of dedication." I smiled.

Will was tall with brown hair that was spiked in the front. His eyes matched his hair. His smile was amazing. Sharon looked more like a fairy or a pixy than a vampire. She was petite with blonde hair. Sig was all muscle. He could be a bouncer maybe. He was a cute blonde guy with brown eyes. Were all vampires pretty?

"We work with the wolves and others. We couldn't hurt you." Will informed me as he smiled. "You are just gorgeous!"

Sharon gasped. I laughed. "Thanks. I get that a lot. I don't see it! I was just wondering if all vampires were pretty!"

Will smiled. "Of course we are." Rachelle elbowed him.

I smiled at them. They had a sense of humor too. I felt comfortable here.

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