The Horror Begins

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Well, the movie was over and my life was pathetic at best. I helped no one. I didn't do anything for others. I was selfish and stupid. Naive... maybe? I was always hoping for a happily ever after.

Bullshit! There was no such thing.

All my life, I worried about dying alone somewhere with no one to really care. Well, it was ironic. Here I was. Alone in a woods where no one would find me, well, a stranger walking a dog. He would find me eventually.

There I was, dying. I was waiting for death since I saw all of my memories. I heard footsteps, voices and knew it was the monster coming back for me to finish me off.

Something was laid on me and I was floating.

"I'm sorry." I barely whispered. I hoped that whatever happened they could tell my mom and dad that my last words were I'm sorry. It seemed like good words. Very appropriate. I knew I wouldn't make it to Heaven. I wasn't good enough. Good enough for Hell. Maybe... Definitely. I was a disappointment.

My mom would be sad and blame herself. I didn't want that. It cost me a lot of pain but I said I'm sorry one more time for good measure. I wanted that to be my last words. I wanted them to mean something.

Everything went dark. There was nothing.


We will leave Gibbs for just a little while and focus on the events that took place and caused the previous event. The Next chapter is what happened before the boat incident, before we meet Gibbs Mahoney...

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