Tagging Along

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Kai was pacing. He knew it was time to go to the other house. He was bringing Gibbs this time. He picked up his phone and pushed the button for Wayne.

"Kai, are you alright?" Wayne worried about Kai.

"I'm fine. I'm bringing a friend to the house. See you soon." Kai hung up and sighed. He rubbed his face and groaned.

He didn't even ask Wayne, he told him he was bringing someone and hung up. He didn't want to hear anything from Wayne and didn't give him time.

Kai was going to have to answer for that. Kai knew that Wayne was going to have questions and wouldn't want a wolf at the house but it was Kai's house after all. So, he could bring who he wanted to bring, the one person that he needed to bring.

"I need to go to the other house. Alex." Kai stated. "I have to meet with Hattie and Wayne has some questions, I'm sure. I need to inform him about Gibbs also."

"I know. Are you going alone?" Alex smiled. Kai just stared at him with a stupid expression. "Right." Kai was taking Gibbs. Alex knew that. Alex just chuckled. He wanted to mess with Kai.

Kai was out of the office and at Gibbs's door.



I was laying on my bed trying to read. I found an old history book about Europe, so I was doing some research. This book was legitimate. It talked about real history events. A battle between the Turks and a small country. It was not a country, it was more like a village. They had no warriors and no fighters. They had one man step up. One man stood against the Turkish army. They called him The Devil. He was a one man army. He gave the villagers hope for a bunch of years and protected his people. They loved him.

This book says he died in a battle. His head was sent to the emperor of the Turks for good measure. I wrote down the date. He would have been thirty-three when he died.

There was nothing about him; where he came from, where they found him, where he was buried. Nothing. I would think that if someone was a hero, they would have a burial site. A site with a monument that they remembered him by. There was nothing more about him. No pictures. No statues. Nothing. Strange.

But what if he was not killed? What if he was turned? He became a vampire. This history book didn't tell how these farmers won the war against the Turks. The Turks never took this small village. The farmers won. And there was absolutely no information on how.

Interesting. I wrote down some dates and did some math. The Devil was at my door, I smiled and tucked the book and the door opened. I had a romance novel in my hand.

"You okay?" I asked. Kai looked stressed or upset. I couldn't tell what the expression was. Worried?

"Yes. You?" Kai smiled. He felt better beside Gibbs.

"Great now. I missed you." I felt better instantly standing in front of Kai. I really didn't like being away from him. I leaned into him and inhaled his wonderful scent.

"I'm going to the other house. I have a conference and more meetings. Pack a bag." Kai stated. He wasn't asking and it wasn't a demand. It was almost a reminder.

"Okay." I was thrilled he wanted me to join him. I found a bag and began to fill it with some jeans and shirts and some extra shoes, in case. Toiletries. I was ready pretty quickly and I also didn't have a whole lot to pack up.

"That was fast." Kai smiled and kissed me. "We better tell Dad so he doesn't worry." We walked into Alex's office and stood. The twins were back. "Anything?"

"No. That bastard is gone." Toby was frustrated.

"He definitely has help." Tony added.

"I have some meetings. I'm taking Gibbs." Kai reminded them.

"You better take care of him." Alex warned.

"With my life." Kai vowed.

We walked out the door. He led the way to the front door. I didn't know there was a front door. I never thought about it. We walked down a sidewalk, to the driveway. I just stared. It was the sexiest piece of machinery I ever laid eyes on.

I wasn't a car person but this made me want to be. It was gorgeous. Kai opened my door and I slid into the leather seat. Soft leather. Even the steering wheel was leather. Gorgeous. Then Kai got in.

"Wow!" I was in awe. This was the poster I would put on my wall. Kai in this car. "This is a nice car, Kai. Sexy car!"

"I know. I love this car." Kai smiled. "Perks of the job."

I put on my seat belt and Kai chuckled.

"What did I do now?" I looked at him. I couldn't tell what he was laughing about. I wasn't thinking anything and had just put my seat belt on. None of that was funny.

"You don't need to wear a seat belt." Kai was amused.

"What? Sure I do." I was confused. I always wore a seatbelt.

"Are you human?" Kai asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes." I answered without thinking about it. No, I wasn't human. I didn't realize that I was no longer human, I was a werewolf. "No. but.." I never thought about it. I wasn't human.

"A car crash won't kill you." Kai simply stated and smiled at me. "And I am an excellent driver."

"I am keeping it on because it makes me feel normal." I stated.

"Fair enough." Kai conceded. He wanted to say Gibbs was far from normal but Kai knew he needed normal sometimes, that thought made him smile. Gibbs wasn't even a normal werewolf. Hell, Kai wasn't a normal vampire either.

We pulled out of the drive and we were on our way to the other house.

It was silent for a while. It was a comfortable silence. I couldn't remember the last time I was comfortable with anyone just being silent. I looked at the back seat.

Oh, sex with Kai in the back seat. Yes, please.

Kai laughed.

"What did I do now?" I asked. He found something funny and I hadn't said anything.

"I heard that. I don't get everything when you are in human form but I heard that. Sex in the back seat would be more than wonderful with you but I have a meeting to get to. On the way back however, we will have time for that." Kai cleared that up.

"Oh." I laughed and blushed. I didn't mean for him to hear that. I would have to watch that.

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