Road Trip

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We were packing bags. "I get to meet your parents!" Kai pointed out.

"Oh! I hadn't thought of that. You don't have to go if..." Kai was touching my face and stopped my sentence.

"I'm going." Kai purred. I melted and closed my eyes.

We got ourselves separated, packed and made sure the kids were okay. The boys were playing basketball and Tia and Agatha were talking with Sharon and Rachelle. Rachelle was doing something with Tia's hair when we left. I got hugs from all of the girls before I left. I knew I was going to miss them. We needed a girl's night soon.

"I have one request." I said as we pulled out of the driveway.

"Anything for you." Kai seemed entertained.

I smiled. I wasn't sure he would agree with this one. "Okay. My request is...I think..." I cleared my throat. "On this trip, around me, you should be yourself."

Kai looked at me. "What do you mean?"

"You... told me that you were most comfortable when your fangs were out. I want you to be comfortable on this trip. With me." I wasn't sure how to say it and I didn't think he would do it.

"Oh. You want me to be me. Fangs and all?" Kai was surprised.

I smiled. "Yes. I want you to feel normal. You always make me feel normal and I want to return the favor."

Kai smiled. "Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Okay. If I scare you at all or make you uncomfortable, tell me and I will put them away." Kai promised. He was my vampire.

"I am never uncomfortable around you. Fangs and all." I laid my head on his shoulder and breathed him in.

"Are you smelling me again?" Kai smiled as the car moved down the highway.

I smiled and buried my nose in his neck. "Mmm. Yes. Sorry."

"What are you doing to me?" Kai had never felt so normal and loved. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. I heard him sigh. I spent the drive smelling him. It should have been weird but I was so happy.

We stopped in Nebraska somewhere.

The hotel was amazing. Elegant. I had never stayed anywhere so nice. There was valet parking and Kai wouldn't let me touch a single door. Some guy carried the bags. The lobby was like a James Bond movie. It looked like a huge ballroom, it had marble floors and pillars scattered throughout the room. The concierge desk was against the far wall.

No one here had jeans on except me. In the middle of the morning, on a Tuesday everyone was in suits and cocktail dresses. This was fancy and I felt like a homeless person. Kai fit in and several women were eyeing him, some men too. He was hot and I couldn't deny that. He had a hot vampire thing going on. I don't even think he knew or noticed all the people looking at him. He looked supernatural next to all of these normal people.

Kai got us a room and I had no idea what kind of room until we walked in. The bellboys had our luggage in our room before we got there. There was a man working the elevator for us. There was carpet on the wall of the elevator. Who did that?

The room was impressive. It had a big living room with couches and everything was white or cream. There was a double door that opened to the bedroom. The carpet was white and thick throughout the suite. I could probably sleep on it comfortably.

The bed was big enough to easily accommodate ten people easily. The closet had a large safe in it. It had a fingerprint lock and everything. I wish I had something to put in it. These people weren't messing around. The bathroom was marble... Probably. The shower had ten jets that sprayed everywhere. The tub was big enough to fit the ten people that the bed accommodated. This place was awesome.

"I want to spoil you while we are out. I know you want to see your mom and dad but I want to give you some of this for a minute before we fight to the death." Kai sounded serious.

I just nodded. I was speechless for a minute. "This place is crazy. I don't think I deserve this much luxury!" I stopped because Kai was looking at me from the front door. I didn't see him move but he was in front of me, touching my face.

"You deserve more than this. Some day I will explain. I promise. Right now, I want to show you what you deserve." Kai picked me up and carried me to the bed. He took my clothes off slowly and kissed every inch of my body. I was in heaven. He touched me and slowly made love to me. He took his time and whispered to me the entire time.

I was mush. He watched me and never took his eyes off of mine. I never wanted to look away. I just stared at him and he kept the rhythm. It was the most precious moment of my life. I almost cried. I felt cherished. No one ever made me feel like that.

"I love you, Kai." I whispered into his ear.

"I love you, Gibbs." Kai whispered.

He felt the vampire thinking about marking Gibbs again. Kai tried to keep the thoughts back. He knew that he would eventually lose this battle. Kai was going to mark him.

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