Me And Jax

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I needed to run and let my wolf, Jax, out. I owed him. Kai needed it too. I could feel it. We left in the middle of the night; me and Kai. I should have been sleeping but we were out in the desert and I let Jax hunt with Kai all night. They both needed some wild time.

Wave and Will showed up and joined us. We were in our usual attire when we walked into the dining room. I had Kai's shirt on and he was wearing jeans. We walked in just in time for breakfast but it didn't seem strange.

"Is it strange that no one finds it strange that we were out all night?" I asked while we were eating.

Tia laughed. "We expect it anymore. We find it strange when you are here at all!"

Blink looked confused. "I am not explaining that to you!" I answered my dad before he could ask. I did it in Fey. I was trying to practice.

Kai laughed. "I got that one!"

Blink shook his head. "I do not want to know, do I?" I laughed and Kai shook his head. He was starting to remember some Fey. He had forgotten a lot. "After breakfast, sword practice?"

"Oh, I do not know?" I answered. I didn't want to be weird. Weirder.

"Oh, my dear, that ship has sailed!" Kai said in English and smiled.

I laughed. "What the hell! Why not? Things couldn't get worse!"

"It's cool that there are three weird people at the table now. There are more people for you to understand, Gibbs. It's nice!" Matt commented.

I shook my head and ate. I actually agreed with him and chuckled.

"So, what is happening?" Alex asked. He needed a language lesson.

"Fencing after breakfast." Blink answered the Alpha's question.

"Are you kidding? We get to watch Blink practice!" Matt yelled in excitement.

I had to remember that these guys were told stories about Blink their whole lives. It would be like me meeting Cinderella, Mother Goose or Humpy Dumpy... But better!

"Better." Kai smiled. "You get to watch Blink practice with his son!"

"Holy wolves! Gibbs, you know how to use a sword? You can fight with a sword?" Toby asked. He just stared well, still stared.

Blink smiled. "He is a prince with a sword!"

"A Faerie prince with a sword!" Alex piled on. I just glared.

"Oh, and he has Dracula for a husband!" Wave piped in. "Hot!"

"I hate you all!" I teased them but I blushed and hid my face. There was an eruption of laughter.

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