Will's Failure

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Will was in the shower. He finished playing basketball and was trying not to think about Richard. He was thrilled to be back at the house. He loved it here. He enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know them. These wolves were great and he was making friends with the guys.

He saw Richard swimming in the pool on the way inside the house. He had the urge to swim so he ran to his room and hopped in the shower. Will was doing everything to not think about that gorgeous blonde wolf in the pool. He was afraid of what he would do if he saw him again.

Will needed to get Rachelle to cut his hair. It was getting long. He needed to stick his nose in numbers where it belonged. He brought some work to do while he was here. He was hoping that would keep him busy. He did have a large portion of the papers translated for Alex and he had more work to do. Translating Vampire to English. Yes. That was what he should be thinking about.

Will dried off and pulled his jeans on, he began to zip them and stopped. Richard was pacing in the hall. He was at his door and opened it slowly. He didn't want to scare him by throwing it open and attacking him.

"Richard? Are you okay?" Will asked. He was so pretty.

Richard froze. He let his eyes run up and down Will's body. He didn't have a shirt on and his jeans were nice and unbuttoned. Richard wanted to thank all of the stars in the heavens. Very nice. He made himself focus on Will's face but his mind was on Will's unbuttoned jeans.

"Are you okay?" Will asked again. Richard was gorgeous. Will could almost feel his eyes actually touching him. Everywhere.

"Sorry. I heard you were here." Richard was trying to focus on forming words. "Wave said you were in here but I didn't know what to say. I don't know why I'm here!" He felt stupid now that he was looking at Will. Richard had not stopped thinking about him.

Will stepped forward. "I don't know what...Richard." He breathed his name.

"Will." Richard wasn't helping.

Will wrapped himself around him and kissed him. He spun Richard around and closed the door and they landed on the bed where Richard was trapped under Will. Richard smelled so good. Will growled and Richard pulled him closer. Will was perfect.

Will groaned. He shouldn't be doing this and fought with his brain to gain control. He pulled away Richard and was off the bed. Richard thought he flew. The move looked so cool.

Will cover his face with his hand. "Richard. I can't!"

Richard stood up. "I know. I'm sorry." He was out of breath. "I loved talking to you the other night. I missed... you, Will. I'm being silly!" Now he felt stupid. Maybe that video chat was nothing more that Will being nice to him? Maybe Richard was reading too much into that. Maybe Will didn't like him and he was just embarrassing himself. He should have stayed in his room.

Will stepped forward. "No, you're not." Will was serious. He wanted this werewolf like blood.

"I'm not?" Richard felt hopeful. "But I thought since you didn't come to find me that you didn't want me. I just wanted to see you but then I got to the door and didn't have the nerve to knock. You answered the door wearing that." Richard was freaking out. His body vibrated with Will's touch that still lingered and it didn't help that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Oh, curse everything! I was dying to see you." Will took a step toward him. "I saw you swimming and wanted to join you so I was hiding in here. I just showered. You are the Alpha's son, Richard. I'm pretty sure you are off limits! Alex will kill me and so will Kai! Kai will hunt down a witch and revive me and make me suffer for years! I can't touch you."

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