Gibbs Other Half

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I was hitting the bag while Tia was holding it. We had just switched places. I knew she was about to ask about Kai again. I wasn't ready to talk. I needed to see Kai again. When did we get back to junior high?

Alex walked in. He took the bag from Tia. "I have this. Take a break."

"Is everything okay?" Tia asked. She looked worried. We exchanged looks as Alex nodded.

Alex answered her. "Yes. Just thought I would spend some time with Gibbs. Alone. For just a moment." His voice was very gentle.

Was I in trouble? I could smell Kai on him. I loved that smell. Kai's smell. He smelled so good.

Focus. Trouble. Alex looked..mad? No, not exactly. Did he know about Kai? Kai told him! I was starting to panic because I didn't know Alex very well. He was a no bullshit kind of person. What did I do with that? Why did Kai talk to Alex?

They were friends. I was going to tell Tia. Kai and Alex were close.

"Did I do something wrong?" I was nervous and took my tape off my hands slowly and had to urge to run from the gym. Maybe I was in trouble for being with Kai and showing up late. Maybe he was going to kill me.

I don't want to die in a gym in Colorado, although this is better than in the middle of the woods. Last night was amazing, let him kill me. It was worth it.

"No. I don't think so. Just wanted to ask you how your first run was." Alex tried to sound casual. He wanted to smile at Gibbs' last thought.

I walked to my bag and put the balls of tape inside and slowly zipped the bag. What was I supposed to say?

I wasn't sure. I looked at the door. The exit. The only problem was that he knew where I lived. He would just corner me later. I needed an answer. "It was fine, Alex. Thanks for being concerned." I was trying not to think of anything.

Gibbs was going to try to get away. He wasn't going to talk to him. Alex wasn't proud of what he was about to do but it was needed. He needed to protect Kai or see if protection was needed. He needed to get to know Gibbs. Alex knew he was going to do this wrong.

"I just talked to an old family friend. She is coming here in a couple of days. I thought I would set her up with Kai and send them on a date. He needs to get out once in a while." Alex lied.

I was furious instantly. The thought of seeing Kai with someone else was too much. Just the thought of a woman laying a hand on Kai was infuriating. I wasn't mad at Alex and had no intention to hurt him but I was furious.

Kai was suddenly in the room between me and Alex.

"Easy." Kai looked at me and spoke very gently. "You are so cool but please don't kill my very stupid friend." He turned to Alex, who looked shocked then back to me. "I have no interest in any woman. You are it for me. Calm down." He smiled at me.

I wanted to touch him and I looked at my hand as I moved it. It was a wolf arm. Wolf hand. I hadn't shifted but my right arm did. I used my left hand to touch my face. I had fangs. I walked to the mirrored wall by the yoga mats and looked. I was half werewolf. My arm wasn't as big as the normal wolf but it was bigger than my regular hand. The elegant fingers flexed as I squeezed my hand closed.

I looked at my face. There was a little fur covering it. My mouth was the same but with wolf teeth. I just stared at the wolfman.

Kai and Alex walked over. "Are you okay?" Kai asked. He touched my arm.

I nodded. "Yeah. Sure. Fine. This is totally normal. Do it all the time!" I didn't take my eyes off of the wolfman in the mirror.

They both laughed.

I turned to face Alex. "Sorry, Alex, I didn't mean to threaten you! I am very sorry. I don't know what happened." I bent my head and looked at the floor. I didn't know why.

Alex saw Gibbs bend his head into submission and he was impressed. He wasn't sure Gibbs knew what he was doing.

Alex knew he had to apologize too. "I'm sorry. I should have been more careful. You are different and I need to think things through. I wanted to see how you felt about Kai but you were dodging me. I had to make sure you weren't just using him. He's my friend." Alex smiled. "I'm hoping we are friends too."

"I hope we are friends, Alex." I bit my lip and drew blood. "Damn." I held my left hand up to stop the bleeding. "Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean this. I just got furious at the idea of a woman touching Kai." I blushed. The bleeding stopped. Kai took my face in his hands and kissed me. I wrapped my hands around him and the half wolf was gone. Kai's lips were on mine.

Alex made a noise. He finally hit Kai in the back. "Hey!" He couldn't believe that this was Kai. Kai was kissing a man. Alex watched for just a moment.

"Sorry." Kai let go and straightened.

"I didn't want to hurt you, Alex. I am sorry." I was embarrassed. I couldn't even look Alex in the eye.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't using Kai. He doesn't do relationships. I just needed..." Alex raised his eyebrow. Gibbs interrupted the Alpha, only Kai ever did that. Gibbs was definitely Kai's mate. Alex smiled.

I held up a hand. "I know. I can appreciate that. You were just trying to check me out. Protect Kai. I get that. I never want to cause him pain or harm him." I was being honest. This was new for me and I blushed.

I never had someone do that for me.

I hadn't meant to think that. It made me sad.

"Are we okay?" Alex asked. I nodded. "How did you do that?" Alex asked, motioning to the wolf arm that was gone.

"I'm not sure. I was mad. I didn't know I could." I was still shocked about the arm.

"I have never seen a wolf do that before. We need to practice. Maybe put Juan or Richard on that. They would love to help." Alex chimed in like this was helpful.

"Great. That's what I need. They already stare at me. I don't want them to be afraid of me either. No one will talk to me after this gets out." I complained while looking at my arm. It looked normal but I had doubts. I flexed my hand a couple of times.

"If anyone is mean to you, just tell me, I'll take care of it." Kai threatened.

"Great. That will help. Send my vampire boyfriend to threaten them. Sure, that will make more friends." I shook my head. I hadn't heard it yet.

"Boyfriend?" Kai smiled as he asked. Alex smiled too.

"Uh, what?" I heard it and blushed. I wasn't even thinking of the word boyfriend when I said it. "No. I didn't mean... Hell. Have you found Vince yet? I am eager to try out my new skill on him. I don't want to apologize either. I need to kill something!"

Alex laughed because Kai said the same thing.

Kai didn't say anything. He was still stunned. Boyfriend. He liked that. Kai kissed me again. It was deeper, more passionate. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his arms slide around me to the small of my back. He pulled me closer to him.

Alex just watched. It was like a train wreck, he was watching to see what happened next. He had to stop this before they were on the floor. "Hey. Work. Kai." Alex chuckled. "I might as well be alone. Kai!" Alex had to shout.

Kai stopped for just a second. "Hold on." He was back to kissing me.

I giggled. I couldn't help it. I heard Kai chuckle and felt his smile on my lips. This was ridiculous. Alex was here. It was embarrassing, not so ridiculous.

Kai let go just a little and smiled. "I have work to do. I will find you later." It sounded like a threat and his eyes were glowing. I moaned. He kissed me gently and then let go and I followed them to the house.

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