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The groups broke up and Will was starting a poker game. I decided to join in. Richard didn't play but he sat beside Will and watched. I smiled at them, they were so cute together.

Sig, Ben, Toby, Tony and I were playing. Rachelle joined us while Tia and Sean wanted to watch. This was new for the werewolves. We didn't play card games apparently.

I had a terrible hand and thought about folding when Wave walked in. He was helping Ben and I accepted the challenge. I bluffed but not hard. Ben chickened out and I won.

Wave laughed. "It was a shit hand, huh?" He winked. I showed him and Ben laughed. "Told you he was lying. He's a great liar!"

I looked down. Wave was right. My dad was a great liar too. He lied to everyone for years. I was sick of the lies. "I don't want to be." I muttered. I stood up and walked to my room and laid on Kai's bed.

I thought about my dad and growing up. I should have had a clue of some kind. I should have known things weren't right. I didn't. I was caught off guard because I was an idiot. I walked through everything that should have been a hint.

My dad knew all about plants and herbs, what to eat and what was poison. He could make a meal out of roots, leaves and bark that was actually delicious. That should have been a clue, right?

We used to practice not leaving footprints, even in mud. He made a game out of it. He would pretend to hunt me. I would have to hide in a muddy swamp and leave no footprints. That couldn't have been normal. It was so fun though. Sometimes, I would win.

I learned how to spot traps and quicksand. He taught me to feel the forest, the animals and how to listen to them; how to live with them. All of that should have been weird too.

I thought he was just one of those Greenpeace people. He said he was when he was younger. I didn't know and now I knew that was a lie.

I was laying on Kai's bed thinking about Blink's situation. What would I do if it had been Kai and our child? Would I tell them? No. I couldn't take the chance that they would tell one person and Ban would find us and kill us. I would have done the same thing. Maybe?

That meant that my mom never really knew my dad and he kept that secret and part of himself away from her. She never knew him and that made me sad.

I was thinking about that and Kai walked in and laid on the bed beside me. "You okay?"

I laughed. "No. I was putting myself in my dad's shoes. I would have done the same, Kai. If that was us and our child, I would have done anything to keep you guys safe. I can't judge him or be mad."


Kai's tangent....

Kai smiled at the thought of having a child and never even entertained that idea until right then. He wondered if they could have a child, what would she look like? Gibbs, he hoped.

He stopped and thought about that. No. Guys sucked. He didn't want the girl to be as pretty as Gibbs with his personality. She would also be irresistible.

Be ugly with no personality! Yes. Then no guy would touch her. Yes, that was okay. He took a breath to calm himself. He was freaking about a child they couldn't have! He was losing his mind.


Gibbs again:

I thought against it for a second as Kai sat quietly. He looked like he was thinking. "I have to talk to you, Kai. We have to talk about things. I don't want any secrets between us, I am sick of them. I talked to Wave at the other house. I know that he was your brother. The twin brother in your story."

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