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We were out in the backyard. It was nice and roomy with big trees. It looked old here. "Ready? No one's here. I missed you and need to run."

"Oh, I need to run too and be the wolf for a while." I smiled. "How do you always know what I need?"

"Telepathy." Kai winked.

I chuckled. "Handy!" I took off my clothes and shifted into the wolf. It felt great. I was ready to run. I did some stretching as the others were walking out. I stood up on my back legs and stretched. It had to look weird but it felt so great. The vampires froze. I dropped to all fours. I took a step and they backed up and I realized that I was frightening them.

"This is Gibbs. Well, his wolf form. He won't hurt you." Kai informed them as I waved at them. Kai laughed. I nudged Kai. "You guys ready?" Kai smiled a vampire smile as he curled his fingers into my fur. I looked toward the woods. Wave could tell Kai was comfortable around the wolf.

I am so ready.

"We are hunting tonight. I thought I would tell you. Warn you, Gibbs." Kai warned me. I turned to him and nodded.

I am hunting too!

I couldn't resist hunting with them and running with them.

My vampires.

"Yours, huh?"

I nodded. As long as dog isn't on the menu!

Kai laughed and told them what I was thinking. I was trying to be funny to ease the fear.

"I think you are scarier than we are. Just don't eat us!" Will kind of teased, but he looked unsure. He saw the wolf's teeth and they were long and sharp. They were gleaming in the sunlight.

I bumped him with my head. Gently. Never!

Kai translated for me. I was grateful. He took off and we followed. I was last because I didn't want to scare them. I watched them hunt. My vampires were starting to have a great time once they relaxed.

By the time the sun went down Kai had two mountain lions.

Glad I am not the only freak around. He is hotter when he hunts. Sexy devil!

Kai caught that thought halfway through his meal. He looked up all vampire-like and smiled at me. I could see the blood on his teeth and my stomach growled well, the wolf's stomach. I wanted to lick Kai's mouth. I shook off the thought because that was weird.

Sharon had caught a mountain lion. I thought that was impossible because she was tiny. Gibbs wasn't in a hurry to hunt so he was standing back watching his family. We had all night. I noticed Sharon was watching Wave. I could tell that she liked him. Wave caught a coyote and shared it with Sharon. Interesting.

Rachelle was graceful but I could tell she didn't enjoy hunting.

Sig was having a great time. He chased and hunted. He was a weapon. I never wanted him to aim it at me. I could tell he enjoyed the hunt more than the meal. Nothing was wasted though. Sig handed Rachelle a mountain lion. I thought that was sweet.

I watched Kai. He was watching Will. He looked proud... kind of like....Oh! I was saving that thought for later. Now, I had another question for the drive to the other house.

I spotted movement about a mile off, maybe two miles. Coyote. Oh yes. I could tell that my wolf wanted to hunt. He was begging. I almost drooled looking in the shadows.

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