Weird Times 2

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Wayne swore that having another child was impossible but about two years after the boys were born, I was vomiting again. No joke. I thought our weird shit was over but nope. Tara confirmed it with an excited squeal. I was in shock.

Rachelle and Sig were planning their wedding and joked about me having these babies on their wedding day. I told her that wasn't funny but she laughed anyway.

We went through the same things for this baby, and Kai verified it was just one this time.

We attended Sig and Rachelle's wedding without going into labor. It was just four days later and our daughter, Stella, was born.

Kai was a nervous wreck when they were small and again when Stella began to date. Their transition to vampires was a lot easier than Wayne's because we had knowledge and Grandpa Wayne to help.

My mom and Wayne mated or whatever vampires do. I tried not to think about it but I was happy for them. My mom took to being a vampire like she was born that way. She loved it and looked the happiest I had ever seen her. She spoiled Wayne and it was sweet. She needed someone and so did Wayne.

The years kind of flew by. Our boys grew up close to Stella, they were friends as adults and that pleased me. They had their fights like everyone does but they were close. Artemis met Hattie and the connection was instant. Kai was shocked. They became inseparable.

Zaharia was a happy man and he was happy being single. He had a lot of friends and became an author. He loved to read as a kid and began writing stories in school. By the time he was twenty, he had three books published. I was proud of him. He was doing what he wanted.

Stella was the stay at home kid. She never moved away like the boys. They kept in touch and visited often but they lived their own lives, although Zaharia was just down the road. Artemis lived in Arizona with Haddie and visited at least once every couple of months just to please me.

Stella was happy to stay at the house. She became a chef and cooked for the pack. I couldn't keep her out of the kitchen and Alex encouraged her. She kept us in good food and I was waiting for her to find her mate but she wasn't in a hurry.


So, that is my story. It ended much happier than how it began. I hope that everyone enjoyed it. Of course, it's not over and always changing but that is all I'm going to write about. Maybe someday I will tell the story about my father, Blink, the fairy king and his fight to return to his homeland. Maybe...

Jax says: Have a Sweet Life. Live Big.

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