Extra Luggage

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Sharon made sure that I had my bags and Wave took them to the car. It was an SUV. It fit eight people comfortably and our luggage. The guys packed light but us ladies didn't. Sharon insisted that it was our right as females to pack the kitchen sink. I tried to tell her I was a guy but she didn't seem to care. I was one of the girls.

Sharon giggled. "I don't care if you are a guy, Gibbs! You are one of us girls!"

Rachelle nodded. "Totally!"

"Glad I'm not dating Kai!" Sig chuckled.

Kai rolled his eyes. "You can call Gibbs what you want but he is definitely a guy."

I elbowed Kai. "Shut up!"

Kai chuckled. "That offended you?"

I blushed. "Maybe!" I smiled at him as I leaned in and smelled him. It was a refreshing scent that I loved. Kai kissed my forehead and started the car. He knew I wasn't offended.

We were on our way and Kai held my hand the whole way. I closed my eyes and slept. He woke me twenty-five minutes before we got to the house.

Finally back at the house. "Tomorrow is the moon!" I exclaimed out of nowhere. I was excited actually. My vampires were here with my pack and it made me happy.

"How do you know that?" Will asked.

"I can feel it now. I know that the wolf is excited and I'm weird." I confessed as Kai squeezed my hand.

"You will be on your own for a while. I have some stuff to do and a meeting." Kai smiled at me.

"Oh, am I the stuff!" I laughed. The kids laughed too. Kai kissed me as he chuckled.


This was just for the cute banter! I hope you are enjoying the story!

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