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Alex rushed back into his office before he was noticed and made sure he was pouring a drink when they knocked.

"Come in." Alex downed his whiskey and poured the second. He watched Will as Richard sat down. He didn't want to have this conversation but Will was right. It was necessary.

"Sir." Will was still standing. He knew not to sit until the Alpha sat. Alex walked to his desk and sat. Will sat beside Richard.

Alex rubbed his hand down his face. "I'm sorry, Will." He looked at two stunned faces and sighed. "I was listening to you in the living room. Sorry. I wanted to make sure you were being a gentleman. You put on Barry White and I thought you were just manipulating Richard."

"No, Sir. I could never hurt Richard by pretending. I put on Barry White because that is his favorite. No other reason." Will reassured him.

"Oh, really?" Alex looked at both of the suspects.

Richard nodded as he answered. "Yes, Dad, I love Barry White. He's mom's favorite singer and I got hooked when I heard him too. I can't believe you eavesdropped." Richard was a little upset.

Will laughed. "I can!"

Alex looked surprised. "What?"

"Come on. I know you don't trust me. I should have guessed that or you at least had all of the rooms bugged!" Will was joking, kind of. "It's fine. Really. I never had traditional parents so this is nice. I never had anyone that cared that much about me." He stopped short. "Well, I misspoke. I had Kai. He cares about me like you do Richard." Will smiled and looked a little sad.

"I didn't know that, Will." Alex never thought to ask about his human life. He didn't even know how old Will was.

"Oh, I didn't know that either." Richard stared at him too.

"Well, I think if I had a traditional family and I was in your shoes I would do just about anything to protect my children, even stalk them. I really do love Richard. I will keep him safe. He is all that matters to me, Alex. Well, Richard and numbers!" Will took a breath. He was nervous and had to slow down.

Alex laughed. "So, maybe we need to get to know each other a little better, yeah?"

Will took a breath. "I would love that. I hate being afraid of you but I think that will be normal for a while." Will turned white and Richard laughed.

"So." Alex took a breath. "How old were you when you were turned? I still can't believe that Kai never told me!"

"I thought you knew. I never thought to mention it." Will paused. He never told anyone. Wave knew. "I, uh...Kai raised me. Him and Wave. Mostly, Kai. He's my dad." He stopped.

"What?" Alex thought he misheard or had a stroke.

"Yes, well, Kai found me in a dumpster in an alley while he was hunting. I was tiny, a newborn. My mother apparently dumped me there." Will explained. He figured he would tell Alex and Richard at the same time.

"What!" Alex was having a stroke. Kai. He was killing that vampire.

"He never told you!" Well, Will couldn't stop now. Alex needed to know. "So, I grew up with Wave and Kai. They were my parents, as it were. Wave was in and out a lot growing up but Kai was always there. Kai said he couldn't kill me when he found me."

"I had a pretty normal childhood really.. I went to school and studied. Wave did a lot of the "mom" stuff in the early years. Don't tell him I said that, he would kill me. Kai helped with school. I knew what they were by an early age and never even knew it was weird and never told anyone. I kept the rules of the house. I was going to college when I chose this." Will paused.

"What!" Alex whispered. He knew that Kai turned people but he thought that it was to save them. He figured that was what Kai would do. He thought he knew Kai really well. He was afraid he didn't know Kai like he thought. "Did Kai turn you just on a whim? That doesn't sound like him."

"No." Will shook his head. "We talked about it. I was scared for him and Wave. I was going to grow older. I would leave them when I died. Eventually. I knew their story and knew neither of them could handle losing anyone else. I asked for this so they wouldn't lose me when I died of old age." Will paused again and took a breath.

"It's what I asked for at Christmas when I turned twenty-two." Will sighed. "I'm the only one that wasn't dying when Kai turned me." Will quieted down. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything?

"I know that Kai has a lot to tell you. There are things he doesn't tell anyone. We never talked about it and I don't even know Sharon's story!" Will looked at his hands.

"No, he doesn't talk to anyone. Hell, I didn't know he made vampires until a week ago. I've known him for a hundred years. A hundred and five to be exact!" Alex sighed.

"Gibbs said he has a lot of relationships to work on." Will pointed out. "Maybe we shouldn't tell him. As I'm saying this I know I'm going to tell him."

Alex laughed. "So, you really are Kai's son, huh?"

Will looked Alex in the eye. "Well, yes. I have never touched another person until I met Richard. I was afraid to get close as a human and then as a vampire I was afraid of hurting someone." Will confessed.

"So, you never.." Alex asked.

"Oh, no. Never. Sorry. This, with Richard, wasn't planned. I was trying to stay away." Will looked at Richard and turned back to Alex. "Leah asked me to help him with math and I couldn't say no. I figured math was harmless. Richard called me to ask for help a few days later and we talked all night and then we came back here and I was hiding in my room, I was trying to stay away."

"Yes. That was my fault!" Richard confessed. "I went to his room and attacked him. If you want to be mad at someone, it's my fault."

"Yours!" Alex laughed and ran his hands through his hair. They stared at him. "Sorry. Your mom attacked me the first time! I blame her for all of this!" He thought for a moment. "Okay. If you are going to date and get married then we need a plan. You both come here for the full moon and weekly runs, that way you can be with family and once a week for dinner because we will all miss you. Will, you can bring him here, yeah?"

"Of course." Will promised.

"Your house is close to his school. You let me know how things are going. I expect a report once a week." Alex demanded. "And stay here for all of the breaks. Christmas, Thanksgiving, spring break, summer."

"Oh, we can do that." Richard said without thinking about the we part. It came so naturally. He got up and threw himself at his dad. "I love you!"

Will was feeling relieved.

"Will, you are still on the payroll here but your work had better be top notch." Alex explained and demanded.

"Of course. I could never let you down. You would take my head." Will half joked. "I love my job. I would never let my work slide."

Alex nodded. "Good. Now out." He was finding Kai and killing him when they got back. 

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